packages in directory i
| yorick interpreted packages not loaded by default to use them, #include "package.i"
basfix |
fix PDB binary file interface for use with Basis interpreter
bessel |
integer order Bessel functions Functions: bessj, bessy, bessi, bessk
bowtie |
detect and map bowties in 2D mesh Functions: bowtie, nbow
button |
implement mouse pushbuttons in a Yorick graphics window (see rezone.i for usage examples) Functions: Button, button_plot, button_test, button_build
cheby |
Chebyshev polynomial approximation Functions: cheby_fit, cheby_eval, cheby_integ, cheby_deriv
color |
palette adjustment, HSV<->RGB transforms (study split_palette, split_bytscl in slice3.i for more color table ideas) Functions: brighten, to_hsv, to_rgb, dump_palette
convol |
convolution using fft Functions: convol, fft_good
copyb |
copy a binary file Function: copyb
dawson |
Dawson's integral and error functions Functions: dawson, erf, erfc
demo1 |
a simple 1-D hydro code Functions: demo1, evolve (read the file for more)
demo2 |
fancy movies of a drumhead oscillating (solves 2D wave equation on the fly) Functions: demo2
demo3 |
movie of a chaotic pendulum (way cool) (does Runge-Kutta integration of Lagrangian on the fly) Functions: demo3
demo4 |
movie of flow around an airfoil (solves for flow field on the fly) Functions: demo4
demo5 |
interpreted 3-D graphics, demonstrating plwf, slice3 Function: demo5
digit2 |
2D equivalents for digitize and interp Functions: digit2, interp2
ellipse |
complete elliptic integrals Functions: EllipticE, EllipticK
elliptic |
more elliptic functions Functions: elliptic, ell_am, ell_f, ell_e, dn_, ellip_k, ellip_e
filter |
analog signal processing Functions: filter, fil_bessel, fil_butter, fil_cheby1, fil_cheby2, fil_cauer, etc
fitlsq |
least squares fit a piecewise linear function to data Function: fitlsq
fitrat |
rational function and polynomial fits Functions: fitrat, fitpol
fits |
read and write FITS files (IAU astronomical data) Functions: fitsRead, fitsWrite, etc
gamma |
gamma function and relatives Functions: ln_gamma, beta, bico (binomial coefficients), erfc
gcd |
GCD, LCM, prime factorization Functions: gcd, lcm, is_prime, factorize
hydra |
access hydra-generated Silo-PDB files
kepler |
solar system models Functions: kepler, kepler2, moon, solar_system
legndr |
Legendre polynomials, associated Legendre functions Function: legndr
make |
automatic Makefile generator for custom version of Yorick Function: make
mkdoc |
extract and alphabetize DOCUMENT comments from include files Function: mkdoc
movie |
assistance for animation (see demo2.i and demo3.i) Functions: movie, movie_stats
msort |
multiple key sorting functions Functions: msort, msort_rank
multi |
multiple file extension to drat package
netcdf |
read and write netcdf binary files Functions: nc_open, nc_create, nc_vardef, nc_enddef, nc_addrec (if you only need to read a netcdf file, just use openb -- netcdf.i will be included automatically)
pixels |
crude attempt to force Yorick to plot cell arrays at one cell per X window pixel Functions: pixels, pix_window
pl3d |
first cut at 3-D graphics command line interface, defines common lighting, rotation and perspective transforms, gnomon (axis orientation indicator) plwf.i, slice3.i, and demo5.i contain usage examples Functions: rot3, light3, aim3, draw3, gnomon, etc
plato |
regular Platonic solids Functions: plato, pt_tet, pt_cube, pt_oct, pt_dodec, pt_ico, bucky
plclab |
label contour levels with numeric values Function: plc_label
plwf |
3-D wire frame plots (painter's algorithm) Function: plwf
pnm |
read and write PBM, PGM, and PBM files made by the pbmplus or netpbm packages Functions: pnm_read, pnm_write, etc
prefix |
read lists of numbers tagged by a "prefix" at the beginning of each line Functions: prefix_find, prefix_read, prefix_write
random |
gaussian deviates, arbitrary piecewise linear deviates, rejection method, more Functions: random_x, random_n, random_ipq, random_rej, ...
rays |
ray manipulation for drat package
rezone |
point-and-click rezoner for quadrilateral meshes Function: rezone, toy_mesh
rkutta |
Runge-Kutta and Bulirsch-Stoer ODE integrators Functions: rkutta, rk_integrate, bstoer, bs_integrate, rkdumb
romberg |
Romberg and Simpson adaptive integrators Functions: romberg, simpson
roots |
Newton-Raphson root and inverse, Brent maxima and minima Functions: nraphson, f_inverse, mnbrent, mxbrent
series |
geometric series solvers Functions: series_s (sum a series), series_r (find ratio given sum and number of terms), series_n (find number of terms given sum and ratio)
silo |
open Silo/PDB files Functions: silo_open, silo_cd, silo_ls, silo_var, silo_close
slice3 |
3-D mesh slicing functions, plus plotting functions Functions: mesh3, slice3, slice2, pl3tree, split_palette, etc
spline |
cubic spline and tensioned spline interpolation Functions: spline, tspline
string |
String manipulation, other utilities Functions: strtrim, strtolower, getdate, reform, scalar, ...
style |
low level peek and poke into graphics style sheets Functions: get_style, set_style, read_style, write_style
sysafe |
Replacement for system function (but not $ syntax) Functions: sysafe, system
test1 |
shock tracker test, poorly vectorizing
test2 |
radiation escape factor calculation, highly vectorizing
test3 |
scalar arithmetic performance test
testb |
binary file I/O tests
testg |
a few graphics tests (grtest is a crude tutorial) Functions: testg, lissajous, grtest
testlp |
rough Yorick version of Linpack benchmark Function: testlp
testm |
matrix and fft tests
testp |
reasonably complete Yorick test suite, except graphics Just include it and the tests run immediately, includes: testb, test1, test2, test3
txpath |
replacement for old (before 1.5) meaning of text path= keyword Function: rotext
ylmdec |
spherical harmonic decomposition sketch for hex package
zroots |
find roots of polynomial Function: zroots