Public Methods
Public Slots
Protected Methods
Protected Slots
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Private Members
Detailed Description
Base class for all MDI view widgets. QextMDI stores additional information in this class to handle the attach/detach mechanism and such things. All such windows 'lives' attached to a QextMdiChildFrm widget managed by QextMdiChildArea, or detached (managed by the window manager.) So remember that the QextMdiChildView::parent pointer may change, and may be 0L, too. There are 2 possibilities for you to put your widgets under MDI control: Either you inherit all the views from QextMdiChildView:
or you wrap them by a QextMdiChildView somehow like this:
Constructor 2 (sets "Unnamed" as default caption)
This method does the same as focusInEvent(). That's why it is a replacement for the setFocus() call. It makes sense if you for instance want to focus (I mean raise and activate) this view although the real focus is in another toplevel widget. focusInEvent() will never get called in that case and your setFocus() call for this widget would fail without any effect. Use this method with caution, it always raises the view and pushes the taskbar button. Also when the focus is still on another MDI view in the same toplevel window where this is located!
Memorizes the first focusable child widget of this widget
Memorizes the last focusable child widget of this widget
Returns the current focused child widget of this widget
[const] Returns TRUE if the MDI view is a child window within the MDI mainframe widget or FALSE if the MDI view is in toplevel mode
[const] Returns the caption of the child window (different from the caption on the button in the taskbar)
[const] Returns the caption of the button on the taskbar
[virtual] Sets the window caption string... Calls updateButton on the taskbar button if it has been set.
[virtual] Sets the caption of the button referring to this window
[virtual] Sets the caption of both, window and button on the taskbar (they are going to be the same)
[const] Returns the QextMdiChildFrm parent widget (or 0 if the window is not attached)
[const] Tells if the window is minimized when attached to the Mdi manager, or if it is VISIBLE when 'floating'.
[const] Tells if the window is minimized when attached to the Mdi manager, otherwise returns FALSE.
[const] Returns the geometry of this MDI child window as QWidget::geometry() does.
Sets the geometry of the client area of this MDI child window. The top left position of the argument is the position of the top left point of the client area in its parent coordinates and the arguments width and height is the width and height of the client area. Please note: This differs from the behaviour of QWidget::setGeometry()!
[const] Returns the frame geometry of this window or of the parent if there is any...
Sets the geometry of the frame of this MDI child window. The top left position of the argument is the position of the top left point of the frame in its parent coordinates and the arguments width and height is the width and height of the widget frame. Please note: This differs from the behaviour of QWidget::setGeometry()!
[virtual] You should override this function in the derived class.
[virtual] Minimizes this window when it is attached to the Mdi manager. Otherwise has no effect
[virtual] Maximizes this window when it is attached to the Mdi manager. Otherwise has no effect
Returns the geometry that will be restored by calling restore().
Sets the geometry that will be restored by calling restore().
Switches interposing in event loop of all current child widgets off.
Internally used for setting an ID for the 'Window' menu entry
[virtual] Sets the minimum size of the widget to w by h pixels. It extends it base clase method in a way that the minimum size of its childframe (if there is one) will be set, additionally.
[virtual] Sets the maximum size of the widget to w by h pixels. It extends it base clase method in a way that the maximum size of its childframe (if there is one) will be set, additionally.
[const] Returns if this is added as MDI tool-view
[virtual slot] Attaches this window to the Mdi manager. It calls the QextMdiMainFrm attachWindow function , so if you have a pointer to this QextMdiMainFrm you'll be faster calling that function. Useful as slot.
[virtual slot] Detaches this window from the Mdi manager. It calls the QextMdiMainFrm detachWindow function , so if you have a pointer to this QextMdiMainFrm you'll be faster calling that function. Useful as slot.
[virtual slot] Mimimizes the MDI view. If attached, the covering childframe widget is minimized (only a mini widget showing the caption bar and the system buttons will remain visible). If detached, it will use the minimize of the underlying system ( QWidget::showMinimized ).
[virtual slot] Maximizes the MDI view. If attached, this widget will fill the whole MDI view area widget. The system buttons move to the main menubar (if set by QextMdiMainFrm::setMenuForSDIModeSysButtons ). If detached, it will use the minimize of the underlying system (QWidget::showMaximized ).
[virtual slot] Restores this window to its normal size. Also known as 'normalize'.
[virtual slot] Internally called, if QextMdiMainFrm::attach is called. Actually, only the caption of the covering childframe is set.
[virtual slot] Internally called, if QextMdiMainFrm::detach is called. Some things for going toplevel will be done here.
[virtual slot] Called if someone click on the "Window" menu item for this child frame window
[virtual slot] Called if someone click on the "Dock/Undock..." menu item for this child frame window
[virtual slot] Calls QWidget::show but also for it's parent widget if attached
[virtual slot] Calls QWidget::hide() or it's parent widget hide() if attached
[virtual slot] Overridden from its base class method. Emits a signal QextMdiChildView::isMinimizedNow , additionally. Note that this method is not used by an external windows manager call on system minimizing.
[virtual slot] Overridden from its base class method. Emits a signal QextMdiChildView::isMaximizedNow , additionally. Note that this method is not used by an external windows manager call on system maximizing.
[virtual slot] Overridden from its base class method. Emits a signal QextMdiChildView::isRestoredNow , additionally. Note that this method is not used by an external windows manager call on system normalizing.
[protected virtual] Ignores the event and calls QextMdiMainFrm::childWindowCloseRequest instead. This is because the mainframe has control over the views. Therefore the MDI view has to request the mainframe for a close.
[protected virtual] It only catches QEvent::KeyPress events there. If a Qt::Key_Tab is pressed, the internal MDI focus handling is called. That means if the last focusable child widget of this is called, it will jump to the first focusable child widget of this. See QextMdiChildView::setFirstFocusableChildWidget and QextMdiChildView::lastFirstFocusableChildWidget
[protected virtual] If attached, the childframe will be activated and the MDI taskbar button will be pressed. Additionally, the memorized old focused child widget of this is focused again. Sends the focusInEventOccurs signal befor changing the focus and the gotFocus signal after changing the focus.
[protected virtual] Send the lostFocus signal
[protected virtual] Internally used for the minimize/maximize/restore mechanism when in attach mode.
[protected slots slot]
[signal] Internally used by QextMdiChildView::attach to send it as command to the mainframe.
[signal] Internally used by QextMdiChildView::detach to send it as command to the mainframe.
[signal] Is sent when this MDI child view is going to receive focus (before actually changing the focus). Internally used to send information to the mainframe that this MDI child view is focused. See QextMdiChildView::focusInEvent
[signal] Is sent when this MDI child has received the focus (after actually changing the focus). See QextMdiChildView::focusInEvent
[signal] Is sent when this MDI child was set to the activate view of all MDI views (after actually changing the focus). See QextMdiChildView::activate
[signal] Is sent when this MDI child view has lost the focus (after actually changing the focus). See QextMdiChildView::focusOutEvent
[signal] Is sent when this MDI child view was deactivated (after actually changing the focus). See QextMdiChildView::focusOutEvent
[signal] Internally used to send information to the mainframe that this MDI child view wants to be closed. See QextMdiChildView::closeEvent and QextMdiMainFrm::closeWindow
[signal] Emitted when the window caption is changed via QextMdiChildView::setCaption or QextMdiChildView::setMDICaption
[signal] Emitted when the window caption is changed via QextMdiChildView::setTabCaption or QextMdiChildView::setMDICaption
[signal] Internally used to send information to the mainframe that this MDI view is maximized now. Usually, the mainframe switches system buttons.
[signal] Is automatically emitted when slot_clickedInWindowMenu is called
[signal] Is automatically emitted when slot_clickedInDockMenu is called
[signal] Signals this has been maximized
[signal] Signals this has been minimized
[signal] Signals this has been restored (normalized)
[signal] Signals this has been attached
[signal] Signals this has been detached
[const signal]