Public Methods
Private Types
Private Methods
Private Slots
Private Members
Detailed DescriptionThe manager that knows all dockwidgets and handles the dock process (and member of the dockwidget class set). More or less a helper class for the KDockWidget class set but of interest for some functionality that can be called within a KDockMainWindow or a KDockWidget . An important feature is the ability to read or save the current state of all things concerning to dockwidgets to KConfig . The dockmanager is also often used when a certain dockwidget or a child of such dockwidget must be found.
Constructs a dockmanager. Some initialization happen:
[virtual] Destructs a dockmanager.
Saves the current state of the dockmanager and of all controlled widgets. State means here to save the geometry, visibility, parents, internal object names, orientation, separator positions, dockwidget-group information, tab widget states (if it is a tab group) and last but not least some necessary things for recovering the dockmainwindow state. Parameters:
Like writeConfig but reads the whole stuff in. In order to restore a window configuration from a config file, it looks up widgets by name (QObject::name) in the childDock variable of KDockManager. This list in turn contains all KDockWidgets (according to the KDockWidget constructor). So in principle, in order to restore a window layout, one must first construct all widgets, put each of them in a KDockWidget and then call readConfig(). And for all that to work, each widget must have a unique name. Parameters:
Saves the current dock window layout into a DOM tree below the given element.
Reads the current dock window layout from a DOM tree below the given element.
Shows all encapsulated widgets of all controlled dockwidgets and shows all dockwidgets which are parent of a dockwidget tab group.
[virtual] It's more or less a method that catches several events which are interesting for the dockmanager. Mainly mouse events during the drag process of a dockwidgets are of interest here. Parameters:
Returns: the return value of the method call of the base class method
This method finds out what a widgets' dockwidget is. That means the dockmanager has a look at all dockwidgets it knows and tells you when one of those dockwidgets covers the given widget. Parameters:
Returns: the dockwidget that encapsulates that widget, otherwise 0
Works like makeDockVisible() but can be called for widgets that covered by a dockwidget. Parameters:
Returns: the popupmenu for showing/hiding dockwidgets
Returns: the dockwidget that has got that internal QObject name
Enables opaque resizing. Opaque resizing is initially turned off. Call this method before you create any dock widgets!
[const] Returns TRUE if opaque resizing is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
Try to preserve the widget's size. Works like KeepSize resize mode of QSplitter. Off by default. Call this method before you create any dock widgets!
[const] Returns TRUE if the KeepSize is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
Operate the splitter with a higher resolution. Off by default. Call this method before you create any dock widgets! If high resolution is used all splitter position parameters are percent*100 instead of percent.
[const] Returns TRUE if the splitter uses the high resolution, FALSE otherwise.
[signal] Signals changes of the docking state of a dockwidget. Usually the dock-toolbar will be updated then.
[signal] Signals a dockwidget is replaced with another one.
[signal] Signals a dockwidget without parent (toplevel) is shown.
[private slots slot] Clears the popupmenu for showing/hiding dockwidgets and fills it with the current states of all controlled dockwidgets.
[private slots slot] This method assumes a menuitem of the popupmenu for showing/hiding dockwidgets is selected and toggles that state. Parameters:
[private slots slot]
[private] A data structure containing data about every dockwidget that is under control.
[private] Finds the KDockWidget at the position given as parameter Parameters:
Returns: the dockwidget at that position
[private] Finds the QWidget recursively at the position given as parameter Parameters:
[private] Finds all dockwidgets which are child, grandchild and so on of p. Parameters:
[private] Sets a dockwidget in drag mode.
[private] Moves a dockwidget that is in drag mode. Parameters:
[private] Aborts the drag mode. Restores the cursor and hides the drag indicator.
[private] Finishes the drag mode. If the user let it drop on an other dockwidget, it will possibly be docked (if allowed), if the user drops it outside of the application window it becomes toplevel.