
Class REXML::Attributes
Parent: Hash

A class that defines the set of Attributes of an Element and provides operations for accessing elements in that set.

[]    []=    add    delete    delete_all    each    each_attribute    get_attribute    length    new    prefixes   
Public Class methods


element:the Element of which this is an Attribute
Public Instance methods

Fetches an attribute value. If you want to get the Attribute itself, use get_attribute()

name:an XPath attribute name. Namespaces are relevant here.
Returns:the String value of the matching attribute, or nil if no matching attribute was found.
 doc = "<a foo:att='1' bar:att='2' att='3'/>"
 doc.root.attributes['att']         #-> '3'
 doc.root.attributes['bar:att']     #-> '2'

Returns the number of attributes the owning Element contains.

 doc = Document "<a x='1' y='2' foo:x='3'/>"
 doc.root.attributes.length        #-> 3
each_attribute() {|attribute| ...}

Itterates over the attributes of an Element. Yields actual Attribute nodes, not String values.

 doc = '<a x="1" y="2"/>'
 doc.root.attributes.each_attribute {|attr|
   p attr.expanded_name+" => "+attr.value
each() {|attr.expanded_name, attr.value| ...}

Itterates over each attribute of an Element, yielding the expanded name and value as a pair of Strings.

 doc = '<a x="1" y="2"/>'
 doc.root.attributes.each {|name, value| p name+" => "+value }
get_attribute( name )

Fetches an attribute

name:the name by which to search for the attribute. Can be a prefix:name namespace name.
Returns:The first matching attribute, or nil if there was none. This

value is an Attribute node, not the String value of the attribute.

 doc = '<a x:foo="1" foo="2" bar="3"/>'
 doc.root.attributes.get_attribute("foo").value    #-> "2"
 doc.root.attributes.get_attribute("x:foo").value  #-> "1"
[]=( name, value )

Sets an attribute, overwriting any existing attribute value by the same name. Namespace is significant.

name:the name of the attribute
value:(optional) If supplied, the value of the attribute. If nil, any existing matching attribute is deleted.
Returns:Owning element
 doc = "<a x:foo='1' foo='3'/>"
 doc.root.attributes['y:foo'] = '2'
 doc.root.attributes['foo'] = '4'
 doc.root.attributes['x:foo'] = nil

Returns an array of Strings containing all of the prefixes declared by this set of # attributes. The array does not include the default namespace declaration, if one exists.

       "z='glorp' p:k='gru'/>")
 prefixes = doc.root.attributes.prefixes    #-> ['x', 'y']
delete( attribute )

Removes an attribute

attribute:either a String, which is the name of the attribute to remove -- namespaces are significant here -- or the attribute to remove.
Returns:the owning element
 doc = "<a y:foo='0' x:foo='1' foo='3' z:foo='4'/>"
 doc.root.attributes.delete 'foo'   #-> <a y:foo='0' x:foo='1' z:foo='4'/>"
 doc.root.attributes.delete 'x:foo' #-> <a y:foo='0' z:foo='4'/>"
 attr = doc.root.attributes.get_attribute('y:foo')
 doc.root.attributes.delete attr    #-> <a z:foo='4'/>"
add( attribute )

Adds an attribute, overriding any existing attribute by the same name. Namespaces are significant.

attribute:An Attribute
delete_all( name )

Deletes all attributes matching a name. Namespaces are significant.

name:A String; all attributes that match this path will be removed
Returns:an Array of the Attributes that were removed