The right hand side of a function is an expression. Thus
if you want a sequence of expressions, you do
and the value of exprn is what is returned by the function.
If you wish to make a return from some expression inside the
function then you must use block and return.
block([],expr1,...,if(a>10) then return(a),...exprn)
is itelf an expression, and so could take the place of the
right hand side of a function definition. Here it may happen
that the return happens earlier than the last expression.
The first [] in the block, may contain a list of variables and
variable assignments, such as [a:3,b,c:[]], which would cause the
three variables a,b,and c to not refer to their
global values, but rather have these special values for as long as the
code executes inside the block, or inside functions called from
inside the block. This is called dynamic binding, since the
variables last from the start of the block to the time it exits. Once
you return from the block, or throw out of it, the old values (if
any) of the variables will be restored. It is certainly a good idea
to protect your variables in this way. Note that the assignments
in the block variables, are done in parallel. This means, that if
you had used c:a in the above, the value of c would
have been the value of a at the time you just entered the block,
but before a was bound. Thus doing something like
block([a:a],expr1,... a:a+3,...exprn)
will protect the external value of a from being altered, but
would let you access what that value was. Thus the right hand
side of the assignments, is evaluated in the entering context, before
any binding occurs.
Using just block([x],.. would cause the x to have itself
as value, just as if it would have if you entered a fresh MAXIMA
The actual arguments to a function are treated in exactly same way as
the variables in a block. Thus in
we would have a similar context for evaluation of the expressions
as if we had done
Inside functions, when the right hand side of a definition,
may be computed at runtime, it is useful to use define and
possibly buildq.
The <value>s in the <varlist> are evaluated left to right (the syntax
<atom> is equivalent to <atom>:<atom>). then these values are substituted
into <expression> in parallel. If any <atom> appears as a single
argument to the special form SPLICE (i.e. SPLICE(<atom>) ) inside
<expression>, then the value associated with that <atom> must be a macsyma
list, and it is spliced into <expression> instead of substituted.
The arguments to BUILDQ need to be protected from simplification until
the substitutions have been carried out. This code should affect that
by using '.
buildq can be useful for building functions on the fly. One
of the powerful things about MAXIMA is that you can have your
functions define other functions to help solve the problem.
Further below we discuss building a recursive function, for a
series solution. This defining of functions inside functions
usually uses define, which evaluates its arguments.
A number of examples are included under splice.
This is used with buildq to construct a list. This is handy
for making argument lists, in conjunction with BUILDQ
MPRINT([X]) ::= BUILDQ([U : x],
if (debuglevel > 3) print(splice(u)));
Including a call like
MPRINT("matrix is ",MAT,"with length",LENGTH(MAT))
is equivalent to putting in the line
THEN PRINT("matrix is ",MAT,"with length",
A more non trivial example would try to display the variable values
AND their names.
should become
PRINT('A,"=",A,",",'B,"=",B,", and",'C,"=",C)
so that if it occurs as a line in a program we can print values.
(C101) foo(x,y,z):=mshow(x,y,z);
(C102) foo(1,2,3);
X = 1 , Y = 2 , and Z = 3
The actual definition of mshow is the following. Note how buildq
lets you build 'QUOTED' structure, so that the 'u lets
you get the variable name. Note that in macros, the RESULT is
a piece of code which will then be substituted for the macro and evaluated.
IF i < N
THEN ans
IF i < N-1 THEN [","]
ELSE [", and"])),
The splice also works to put arguments into algebraic operations:
Note how the simplification only occurs AFTER the substitution,
The operation applying to the splice in the first cae is the +
while in the second it is the *, yet logically you
might thing splice(a)+splice(A) could be replaced by
2*splice(A). No simplification takes place with the buildq
To understand what SPLICE is doing with the algebra you must understand
that for MAXIMA, a formula an operation like A+B+C is really
internally similar to +(A,B,C), and similarly for multiplication.
Thus *(2,B,C,D) is 2*B*C*D
Finally the buildq can be invaluable for building recursive functions.
Suppose your program is solving a differential equation using the
series method, and has determined that it needs to build a
recursion relation
The expression quickly becomes complicated if not simplified at
each stage, so the simplification must be part of the definition.
Hence the buildq is useful for building the form.
When using TRANSLATE and generating code with MACSYMA,
there are a number of techniques which can save time and be helpful.
Do DEMO("optimu.dem") for a demonstration. In particular, the
function FLOATDEFUNK from TRANSL;OPTIMU FASL, creates a function
definition from a math-like expression, but it optimizes it (with
OPTIMIZE) and puts in the MODE_DECLAREations needed to COMPILE
correctly. (This can be done by hand, of course). The demo will only
run in a fresh macsyma.
gives the result of applying the function to
the list of its arguments. This is useful when it is desired to
compute the arguments to a function before applying that function.
For example, if L is the list [1, 5, -10.2, 4, 3], then APPLY(MIN,L)
gives -10.2. APPLY is also useful when calling functions which do not
have their arguments evaluated if it is desired to cause evaluation of
them. For example, if FILESPEC is a variable bound to the list [TEST,
CASE] then APPLY(CLOSEFILE,FILESPEC) is equivalent to
CLOSEFILE(TEST,CASE). In general the first argument to APPLY should
be preceded by a ' to make it evaluate to itself. Since some atomic
variables have the same name as certain functions the values of the
variable would be used rather than the function because APPLY has its
first argument evaluated as well as its second.
causes ai to signal an error if it ever is used in a
computation unbound.
Blocks in MACSYMA are
somewhat analogous to subroutines in FORTRAN or procedures in ALGOL or
PL/I. Blocks are like compound statements but also enable the user to
label statements within the block and to assign "dummy" variables to
values which are local to the block. The vi are variables which are
local to the BLOCK and the stmti are any MACSYMA expressions. If no
variables are to be made local then the list may be omitted. A block
uses these local variables to avoid conflict with variables having the
same names used outside of the block (i.e. global to the block). In
this case, upon entry to the block, the global values are saved onto a
stack and are inaccessible while the block is being executed. The
local variables then are unbound so that they evaluate to themselves.
They may be bound to arbitrary values within the block but when the
block is exited the saved values are restored to these variables. The
values created in the block for these local variables are lost. Where
a variable is used within a block and is not in the list of local
variables for that block it will be the same as the variable used
outside of the block.
If it is desired to save and restore other local properties
besides VALUE, for example ARRAY (except for complete arrays),
NONSCALAR then the function LOCAL should be used inside of the block
with arguments being the names of the variables.
The value of the block is the value of the last statement or the
value of the argument to the function RETURN which may be used to exit
explicitly from the block. The function GO may be used to transfer
control to the statement of the block that is tagged with the argument
to GO. To tag a statement, precede it by an atomic argument as
another statement in the BLOCK. For example:
BLOCK([X],X:1,LOOP,X:X+1,...,GO(LOOP),...). The argument to GO must
be the name of a tag appearing within the BLOCK. One cannot use GO to
transfer to a tag in a BLOCK other than the one containing the GO.
Blocks typically appear on the right side of a function definition
but can be used in other places as well.
Function:BREAK(arg1, ...)
will evaluate and print its arguments and will then
cause a (MACSYMA-BREAK) at which point the user can examine and change
his environment. Upon typing EXIT; the computation resumes.
Control-A (^A) will enter a MACSYMA-BREAK from any point
interactively. EXIT; will continue the computation. Control-X may be
used inside the MACSYMA-BREAK to quit locally, without quitting the
main computation.
evaluates its arguments one by one; if the
structure of the expi leads to the evaluation of an expression of the
form THROW(arg), then the value of the CATCH is the value of
THROW(arg). This "non-local return" thus goes through any depth of
nesting to the nearest enclosing CATCH. There must be a CATCH
corresponding to a THROW, else an error is generated. If the
evaluation of the expi does not lead to the evaluation of any THROW
then the value of the CATCH is the value of expn.
(C2) G([1,2,3,7]);
(D2) [F(1), F(2), F(3), F(7)]
(C3) G([1,2,-3,7]);
(D3) - 3
The function G returns a list of F of each element of L if L
consists only of non-negative numbers; otherwise, G "catches" the
first negative element of L and "throws" it up.
Function:COMPFILE([filespec], f1, f2, ..., fn)
Compiles functions fi into
the file "filespec". For convenience, see the COMPILE function.
default: [FALSE] when TRUE function definitions output by
COMPFILE are pretty-printed.
The COMPILE command is a convenience feature in macsyma. It
handles the calling of the function COMPFILE, which translates macsyma
functions into lisp, the calling of the lisp compiler on the file
produced by COMPFILE, and the loading of the output of the compiler,
know as a FASL file, into the macsyma. It also checks the compiler
comment listing output file for certain common errors. Do
COMPILE(); causes macsyma to prompt for arguments.
COMPILE(function1,function2,...); compiles the functions, it uses the name
of function1 as the first name of the file to put the lisp output.
COMPILE(ALL); or COMPILE(FUNCTIONS); will compile all functions.
COMPILE([file-name],function1,function2,...); N.B. all arguments are
evaluated, just like a normal function (it is a normal function!).
Therefore, if you have variables with the same name as part of the
file you can not ignore that fact.
Function:COMPILE_LISP_FILE("input filename")
which takes an optional second
argument of "output filename," can be used in conjunction with
These file-oriented commands are to be preferred over the use of
Function:DEFINE(f(x1, ...), body)
is equivalent to f(x1,...):="body but when
used inside functions it happens at execution time rather than at the
time of definition of the function which contains it.
introduces a global variable into the MACSYMA environment. This is
for user-written packages, which are often translated or compiled.
does the following:
(1) MODE_DECLARE(FOO,BOOLEAN); sets it up for the translator.
(2) If the variable is unbound, it sets it: FOO:TRUE.
(3) DECLARE(FOO,SPECIAL); declares it special.
(4) Sets up an assign property for it to make sure that it never
gets set to a value of the wrong mode.
E.g. FOO:44 would be an error once FOO is defined BOOLEAN.
See DESCRIBE(MODE_DECLARE); for a list of the possible "modes".
The optional 4th argument is a documentation string. When
TRANSLATE_FILE is used on a package which includes documentation
strings, a second file is output in addition to the LISP file which
will contain the documentation strings, formatted suitably for use in
manuals, usage files, or (for instance) DESCRIBE.
With any variable which has been DEFINE_VARIABLE'd with mode other
than ANY, you can give a VALUE_CHECK property, which is a function of
one argument called on the value the user is trying to set the
variable to.
PUT('G5,LAMBDA([U],IF U#'G5 THEN ERROR("Don't set G5")),
Use DEFINE_VARIABLE(G5,'G5,ANY_CHECK, "this ain't supposed to be set
by anyone but me.")
ANY_CHECK is a mode which means the same as ANY, but which keeps
DEFINE_VARIABLE from optimizing away the assign property.
Function:DISPFUN(f1, f2, ...)
displays the definition of the user defined
functions f1, f2, ... which may also be the names of array associated
functions, subscripted functions, or functions with constant
subscripts which are the same as those used when the functions were
defined. DISPFUN(ALL) will display all user defined functions as
given on the FUNCTIONS and ARRAYS lists except subscripted functions
with constant subscripts. E.g. if the user has defined a function
F(x), DISPFUN(F); will display the definition.
default: [] - all user defined functions (set up by
returns the function definition associated
with "functionname". FUNDEF(fnname); is similar to DISPFUN(fnname);
except that FUNDEF does not invoke display.
returns name(arg1,...,argn) without
calling the function name.
Function:LOCAL(v1, v2, ...)
causes the variables v1,v2,... to be local with
respect to all the properties in the statement in which this function
is used. LOCAL may only be used in BLOCKs, in the body of function
definitions or LAMBDA expressions, or in the EV function and only one
occurrence is permitted in each. LOCAL is independent of CONTEXT.
default:[FALSE] - Controls advanced features which
affect the efficiency of macros. Possible settings:
FALSE -- Macros expand normally each time they are called.
EXPAND -- The first time a particular call is evaluated, the
expansion is "remembered" internally, so that it doesn't have to be
recomputed on subsequent calls making subsequent calls faster. The
macro call still GRINDs and DISPLAYs normally, however extra memory is
required to remember all of the expansions.
DISPLACE -- The first time a particular call is evaluated, the
expansion is substituted for the call. This requires slightly less
storage than when MACROEXPANSION is set to EXPAND and is just as fast,
but has the disadvantage that the original macro call is no longer
remembered and hence the expansion will be seen if DISPLAY or GRIND is
called. See documentation for TRANSLATE and MACROS for more details.
default: [TRUE] - If TRUE, MODE_DECLARE checks the modes
of bound variables.
default: [FALSE] - If TRUE, MODE_DECLARE calls
default: [TRUE] - If TRUE, mode errors are
Function:MODE_DECLARE(y1, mode1, y2, mode2, ...)
MODEDECLARE is a synonym
for this. MODE_DECLARE is used to declare the modes of variables and
functions for subsequent translation or compilation of functions. Its
arguments are pairs consisting of a variable yi, and a mode which is
one of BOOLEAN, FIXNUM, NUMBER, RATIONAL, or FLOAT. Each yi may also
be a list of variables all of which are declared to have modei.
If yi is an array, and if every element of the array which is
referenced has a value then ARRAY(yi, COMPLETE, dim1, dim2, ...)
rather than
ARRAY(yi, dim1, dim2, ...)
should be used when first
declaring the bounds of the array. If all the elements of the array
are of mode FIXNUM (FLOAT), use FIXNUM (FLOAT) instead of COMPLETE.
Also if every element of the array is of the same mode, say m, then
should be used for efficient
translation. Also numeric code using arrays can be made to run faster
by declaring the expected size of the array, as in:
for a floating point number array which is 10 x 10.
Additionally one may declare the mode of the result of a function by
using FUNCTION(F1,F2,...) as an argument; here F1,F2,... are the names
of functions. For example the expression,
declares that X and the values returned by F1,F2,... are single-word
integers and that Q is an array of floating point numbers.
MODE_DECLARE is used either immediately inside of a function
definition or at top-level for global variables. Do
PRINTFILE(MCOMPI,DOC,MAXDOC); for some examples of the use of
MODE_DECLARE in translation and compilation.
A special form used with MODE_DECLARE and
MACROS to delcare, e.g., a list of lists of flonums, or other compound
data object. The first argument to MODE_IDENTITY is a primitive value
mode name as given to MODE_DECLARE (i.e. [FLOAT,FIXNUM,NUMBER,
LIST,ANY]), and the second argument is an expression which is
evaluated and returned as the value of MODE_IDENTITY. However, if the
return value is not allowed by the mode declared in the first
argument, an error or warning is signalled. The important thing is
that the MODE of the expression as determined by the MACSYMA to Lisp
translator, will be that given as the first argument, independent of
anything that goes on in the second argument.
returns 3.3 .
This has a number of uses, e.g., if you knew that FIRST(L) returned a
number then you might write MODE_IDENTITY(NUMBER,FIRST(L)). However,
a more efficient way to do it would be to define a new primitive,
every time you take the first of a list of numbers.
default: [FALSE] - if TRUE removes global declarations in
the local context. This applies to variables which are formal
parameters to functions which one is TRANSLATE-ing from MACSYMA code
to LISP.
default:[FALSE] - if true, TRANSLATE will generate the
declarations necessary for possible compilation. The COMPFILE command
Function:TRANSLATE(f1, f2, ...)
translates the user defined functions
f1,f2,... from the MACSYMA language to LISP (i.e. it makes them
EXPRs). This results in a gain in speed when they are called. There
is now a version of macsyma with the macsyma to lisp translator
pre-loaded into it. It is available by typing :TM (for
TranslateMacsyma) at DDT level. When given a file name, E.g. :TM
GJC;TMTEST > , it gives that file to the function TRANSLATE_FILE, and
proceeds without further user interaction. If no file name is given,
:TM gives a regular macsyma "(C1)" line. P.s. A user init file with
second name "TM" will be loaded if it exists. You may just want to
link this to your macsyma init file.
Functions to be translated should include a call to MODE_DECLARE at the
beginning when possible in order to produce more efficient code. For
where the X1,X2,... are the parameters to the function and the
v1,v2,... are the local variables. The names of translated functions
are removed from the FUNCTIONS list if SAVEDEF is FALSE (see below)
and are added to the PROPS lists. Functions should not be translated
unless they are fully debugged. Also, expressions are assumed
simplified; if they are not, correct but non- optimal code gets
generated. Thus, the user should not set the SIMP switch to FALSE
which inhibits simplification of the expressions to be translated.
The switch TRANSLATE, default: [FALSE], If TRUE, causes automatic
translation of a user's function to LISP. Note that translated
functions may not run identically to the way they did before
translation as certain incompatabilities may exist between the LISP
and MACSYMA versions. Principally, the RAT function with more than
one argument and the RATVARS function should not be used if any
variables are MODE_DECLAREd CRE. Also the PREDERROR:FALSE setting
will not translate.
SAVEDEF[TRUE] - if TRUE will cause the MACSYMA version of a user
function to remain when the function is TRANSLATEd. This permits the
definition to be displayed by DISPFUN and allows the function to be
TRANSRUN[TRUE] - if FALSE will cause the interpreted version of all
functions to be run (provided they are still around) rather than the
translated version.
One can translate functions stored in a file by giving TRANSLATE an
argument which is a file specification. This is a list of the form
[fn1,fn2,DSK,dir] where fn1 fn2 is the name of the file of MACSYMA
functions, and dir is the name of a file directory.
The result returned by TRANSLATE is a list of the names of the
functions TRANSLATEd. In the case of a file translation the
corresponding element of the list is a list of the first and second
new file names containing the LISP code resulting from the
translation. This will be fn1 LISP on the disk directory dir. The
file of LISP code may be read into MACSYMA by using the LOADFILE
translates a file of MACSYMA code into a file
of LISP code. It takes one or two arguments. The first argument is
the name of the MACSYMA file, and the optional second argument is the
name of the LISP file to produce. The second argument defaults to the
first argument with second file name the value of
TR_OUTPUT_FILE_DEFAULT which defaults to TRLISP. For example:
TRANSLATE_FILE("")); will translate "" to "test.LISP".
Also produced is a file of translator warning
messages of various degrees of severity. The second file name is
always UNLISP. This file contains valuable (albeit obsure for some)
information for tracking down bugs in translated code. Do
APROPOS(TR_) to get a list of TR (for TRANSLATE) switches. In
summary, TRANSLATE_FILE(""), LOADFILE("foo.LISP") is "=" to
BATCH("") modulo certain restrictions (the use of " and % for
default: [TRUE] - if FALSE will cause the interpreted
version of all functions to be run (provided they are still around)
rather than the translated version.
default: [TRUE] - If TRUE runtime code uses the value
of the variable as the array.
default: [TRUE] - Gives a warning if a bound
variable is found being used as a function.
default: [FALSE] - Determines whether messages
generated by TRANSLATE_FILE during translation of a file will be sent
to the TTY. If FALSE (the default), messages about translation of the
file are only inserted into the UNLISP file. If TRUE, the messages
are sent to the TTY and are also inserted into the UNLISP file.
default: [TRUE] - States whether the arc
functions might return complex results. The arc functions are SQRT,
LOG, ACOS, etc. e.g. When it is TRUE then ACOS(X) will be of mode ANY
even if X is of mode FLOAT. When FALSE then ACOS(X) will be of mode
FLOAT if and only if X is of mode FLOAT.
default: [GENERAL] - FALSE means give up and
call MEVAL, EXPR means assume Lisp fixed arg function. GENERAL, the
default gives code good for MEXPRS and MLEXPRS but not MACROS.
GENERAL assures variable bindings are correct in compiled code. In
GENERAL mode, when translating F(X), if F is a bound variable, then it
assumes that APPLY(F,[X]) is meant, and translates a such, with
apropriate warning. There is no need to turn this off. With the
default settings, no warning messages implies full compatibility of
translated and compiled code with the macsyma interpreter.
default: [FALSE] - If TRUE, TRANSLATE_FILE generates a
TAGS file for use by the text editor.
default: [FALSE] - If TRUE numer properties are used for
atoms which have them, e.g. %PI.
default: [100] - The maximum number of times the
macro-expansion and optimization pass of the translator will loop in
considering a form. This is to catch MACRO expansion errors, and
non-terminating optimization properties.
default: [TRLISP] - This is the second file
name to be used for translated lisp output.
default: [FALSE] - If TRUE, output possible
multiple evaluations in an attempt to interface to the COMPARE
output forms which will be macroexpanded but not compiled into machine
code by the lisp compiler.
The list of the switches that affect the form of the
translated output. This information is useful to system people when
trying to debug the translator. By comparing the translated product
to what should have been produced for a given state, it is possible to
track down bugs.
default: [FALSE] is bound to
the quoted string form of the true name of the file most recently
translated by TRANSLATE_FILE.
- The version number of the translator.
Prints a list of warnings which have been given by
the translator during the current translation.
default: [TRUE] - Gives a warning when
when function calls are being made which may not be correct due to
improper declarations that were made at translate time.
default: [COMPFILE] - Gives a warning if any FEXPRs are
encountered. FEXPRs should not normally be output in translated code,
all legitimate special program forms are translated.
default: [COMPFILE] - Gives a warning if the function
MEVAL gets called. If MEVAL is called that indicates problems in the
default: [ALL] - Gives a warning when variables are
assigned values inappropriate for their mode.
default: [COMPILE] - Determines when to send
warnings about undeclared variables to the TTY.
default: [ALL] - Gives a warning when
undefined global variables are seen.
default: [TRUE] - Generate "helpfull" comments and
programming hints.
default: [COMPFILE] - A switch in the Translator.
There are four relevant settings:
FALSE | never print warning messages.
COMPFILE | warn when in COMPFILE
Do MODE_DECLARE(<variable>,ANY) to declare a variable to be a general
macsyma variable (i.e. not limited to being FLOAT or FIXNUM). The extra
work in declaring all your variables in code to be compiled should pay
It takes filename which
contains macsyma code, and translates this to lisp and then compiles the
result. It returns a list of four files (the original file,translation,
notes on translation and the compiled code).
When translating a file of macsyma code
to lisp, it is important for the translator to know which functions it
sees in the file are to be called as translated or compiled functions,
and which ones are just macsyma functions or undefined. Putting this
declaration at the top of the file, lets it know that although a symbol
does which does not yet have a lisp function value, will have one at
call time. (MFUNCTION-CALL fn arg1 arg2.. ) is generated when
the translator does not know fn is going to be a lisp function.