This section discusses user defined pattern matching and
simplification rules (set up by TELLSIMP, TELLSIMPAFTER, DEFMATCH, or,
DEFRULE.) You may affect the main simplification procedures, or
else have your rules applied explicityly using APPLY1 and APPLY2.
There are additional mechanisms for polynomials rules under TELLRAT,
and for commutative and non commutative algebra in chapter on AFFINE.
repeatedly applies the first rule to
exp until it fails, then repeatedly applies the same rule to all
subexpressions of exp, left-to-right, until the first rule has failed
on all subexpressions. Call the result of transforming exp in this
manner exp'. Then the second rule is applied in the same fashion
starting at the top of exp'. When the final rule fails on the final
subexpression, the application is finished.
Function:APPLY2(exp, rule1, ..., rulen)
differs from APPLY1 in that if the
first rule fails on a given subexpression, then the second rule is
repeatedly applied, etc. Only if they all fail on a given
subexpression is the whole set of rules repeatedly applied to the next
subexpression. If one of the rules succeeds, then the same
subexpression is reprocessed, starting with the first rule.
MAXAPPLYDEPTH[10000] is the maximum depth to which APPLY1 and APPLY2
will delve.
Function:APPLYB1(exp, rule1, ..., rulen)
is similar to APPLY1 but works from
the "bottom up" instead of from the "top down". That is, it processes
the smallest subexpression of exp, then the next smallest, etc.
MAXAPPLYHEIGHT[10000] - is the maximum height to which APPLYB1 will
reach before giving up.
name of the rule package that is presently being used. The user may
reset this variable to the name of any rule package previously defined
via the LET command. Whenever any of the functions comprising the let
package are called with no package name the value of
is used. If a call such as
LETSIMP(expr,rule_pkg_name); is made, the rule package rule_pkg_name
is used for that LETSIMP command only, i.e. the value of
- the name of the rule package used when one
is not explicitly set by the user with LET or by changing the value of
creates a function of
n+1 arguments with the name progname which tests an expression to see
if it can match a particular pattern. The pattern is some expression
containing pattern variables and parameters. The parms are given
explicitly as arguments to DEFMATCH while the pattern variables (if
supplied) were given implicitly in a previous MATCHDECLARE function.
The first argument to the created function progname, is an expression
to be matched against the "pattern" and the other n arguments are the
actual variables occurring in the expression which are to take the
place of dummy variables occurring in the "pattern". Thus the parms
in the DEFMATCH are like the dummy arguments to the SUBROUTINE
statement in FORTRAN. When the function is "called" the actual
arguments are substituted. For example:
(IS(E#0 AND FREEOF(X,E)) is an equivalent function
This has caused the function LINEAR(exp,var1) to be defined. It
tests exp to see if it is of the form A*var1+B where A and B do not
contain var1 and A is not zero. DEFMATCHed functions return (if the
match is successful) a list of equations whose left sides are the
pattern variables and parms and whose right sides are the expressions
which the pattern variables and parameters matched. The pattern
variables, but not the parameters, are set to the matched expressions.
If the match fails, the function returns FALSE. Thus
LINEAR(3*Z+(Y+1)*Z+Y**2,Z) would return [B=Y**2, A=Y+4, X=Z]. Any
variables not declared as pattern variables in MATCHDECLARE or as
parameters in DEFMATCH which occur in pattern will match only
themselves so that if the third argument to the DEFMATCH in (C4) had
been omitted, then LINEAR would only match expressions linear in X,
not in any other variable.
A pattern which contains no parameters or pattern variables
returns TRUE if the match succeeds.
Do EXAMPLE(DEFMATCH); for more examples.
Function:DEFRULE(rulename, pattern, replacement)
defines and names a
replacement rule for the given pattern. If the rule named rulename is
applied to an expression (by one of the APPLY functions below), every
subexpression matching the pattern will be replaced by the
replacement. All variables in the replacement which have been
assigned values by the pattern match are assigned those values in the
replacement which is then simplified. The rules themselves can be
treated as functions which will transform an expression by one
operation of the pattern match and replacement. If the pattern fails,
the original expression is returned.
Function:DISPRULE(rulename1, rulename2, ...)
will display rules with the names
rulename1, rulename2, as were given by DEFRULE, TELLSIMP, or
TELLSIMPAFTER or a pattern defined by DEFMATCH. For example, the
first rule modifying SIN will be called SINRULE1. DISPRULE(ALL);
will display all rules.
defines a
substitution rule for LETSIMP such that prod gets replaced by repl.
prod is a product of positive or negative powers of the following
types of terms:
(1) Atoms which LETSIMP will search for literally unless previous
to calling LETSIMP the MATCHDECLARE function is used to associate a
predicate with the atom. In this case LETSIMP will match the atom to
any term of a product satisfying the predicate.
(2) Kernels such as SIN(X), N!, F(X,Y), etc. As with atoms above
LETSIMP will look for a literal match unless MATCHDECLARE is used to
associate a predicate with the argument of the kernel.
A term to a positive power will only match a term having at least that
power in the expression being LETSIMPed. A term to a negative power
on the other hand will only match a term with a power at least as
negative. In the case of negative powers in "product" the switch
LETRAT must be set to TRUE (see below).
If a predicate is included in the LET function followed by a list of
arguments, a tentative match (i.e. one that would be accepted if the
predicate were omitted) will be accepted only if
predname(arg1',...,argn') evaluates to TRUE where argi' is the value
matched to argi. The argi may be the name of any atom or the argument
of any kernel appearing in prod. repl may be any rational expression.
If any of the atoms or arguments from prod appear in repl the
appropriate substitutions will be made.
LETRAT[FALSE] when FALSE, LETSIMP will simplify the numerator and
denominator of expr independently and return the result.
Substitutions such as N!/N goes to (N-1)! will fail. To handle such
situations LETRAT should be set to TRUE, then the numerator,
denominator, and their quotient will be simplified in that order.
These substitution functions allow you to work with several
rulepackages at once. Each rulepackage can contain any number of LETed
rules and is referred to by a user supplied name. To insert a rule
into the rulepackage name, do LET([prod,repl,pred,arg1,...],name). To
apply the rules in rulepackage name, do LETSIMP(expr, name). The
function LETSIMP(expr,name1,name2,...) is equivalent to doing
LETSIMP(expr,name1) followed by LETSIMP(%,name2) etc.
CURRENT_LET_RULE_PACKAGE is the name of the rule package that is
presently being used. The user may reset this variable to the name of
any rule package previously defined via the LET command. Whenever any
of the functions comprising the let package are called with no package
name the value of CURRENT_LET_RULE_PACKAGE is used. If a call such as
LETSIMP(expr,rule_pkg_name); is made, the rule package rule_pkg_name
is used for that LETSIMP command only, i.e. the value of
There is a DEFAULT_LET_RULE_PACKAGE which is assumed when no other
name is supplied to any of the functions. Whenever a LET includes a
rulepackage name that is used as the CURRENT_LET_RULE_PACKAGE.
default: [FALSE] - when FALSE, LETSIMP will simplify the
numerator and denominator of expr independently and return the result.
Substitutions such as N!/N goes to (N-1)! will fail. To handle such
situations LETRAT should be set to TRUE, then the numerator,
denominator, and their quotient will be simplified in that order.
displays the rules in the current rulepackage.
LETRULES(name) displays the rules in the
named rulepackage.
The current rulepackage is the value of
The initial value of the rules is
will continually apply the substitution rules previously
defined by the function LET until no further change is made to exp.
LETSIMP(expr,rule_pkg_name); will cause the rule package rule_pkg_name
to be used for that LETSIMP command only, i.e. the value of
default:[DEFAULT_LET_RULE_PACKAGE] - The value of
LET_RULE_PACKAGES is a list of all the user-defined let rule packages
plus the special package
This is the name of the rule package used when one
is not explicitly set by the user.
Function:MATCHDECLARE(patternvar, predicate, ...)
associates a predicate with
a pattern variable so that the variable will only match expressions
for which the predicate is not FALSE. (The matching is accomplished
by one of the functions described below). For example after
is executed, Q will match any expression
not containing X or %E. If the match succeeds then the variable is
set to the matched expression. The predicate (in this case FREEOF) is
written without the last argument which should be the one against
which the pattern variable is to be tested. Note that the patternvar
and the arguments to the predicate are evaluated at the time the match
is performed.
The odd numbered argument may also be a list of pattern variables all
of which are to have the associated predicate. Any even number of
arguments may be given.
For pattern matching, predicates refer to functions which are either
FALSE or not FALSE (any non FALSE value acts like TRUE).
MATCHDECLARE(var,TRUE) will permit var to match any expression.
- MATCHFIX operators are used to denote functions of any
number of arguments which are passed to the function as a list. The
arguments occur between the main operator and its "matching"
delimiter. The MATCHFIX("x",...) function is a syntax extension
function which declares x to be a MATCHFIX operator. The default
binding power is 180, and the ARGS inside may be anything.
deletes the substitution rule, prod --> repl, most
recently defined by the LET function. If name is supplied the rule is
deleted from the rule package name. REMLET() and REMLET(ALL) delete
all substitution rules from the current rulepackage. If the name of a
rulepackage is supplied, e.g. REMLET(ALL,name), the rulepackage, name,
is also deleted. If a substitution is to be changed using the same
product, REMLET need not be called, just redefine the substitution
using the same product (literally) with the LET function and the new
replacement and/or predicate name. Should REMLET(product) now be
called the original substitution rule will be revived.
Function:REMRULE(function, rulename)
will remove a rule with the name rulename
from the function which was placed there by DEFRULE, DEFMATCH,
TELLSIMP, or TELLSIMPAFTER. If rule-name is ALL, then all rules will
be removed.
Function:TELLSIMP(pattern, replacement)
is similar to TELLSIMPAFTER but places
new information before old so that it is applied before the built-in
simplification rules. TELLSIMP is used when it is important to modify
the expression before the simplifier works on it, for instance if the
simplifier "knows" something about the expression, but what it returns
is not to your liking. If the simplifier "knows" something about the
main operator of the expression, but is simply not doing enough for
you, you probably want to use TELLSIMPAFTER. The pattern may not be a
sum, product, single variable, or number. RULES is a list of names
having simplification rules added to them by DEFRULE, DEFMATCH,
Function:TELLSIMPAFTER(pattern, replacement)
defines a replacement for pattern
which the MACSYMA simplifier uses after it applies the built-in
simplification rules. The pattern may be anything but a single
variable or a number.