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The specfun package, located in the share directory, contains Maxima code for the evaluation of all orthogonal polynomials listed in Chapter 22 of Abramowitz and Stegun. These include Chebyshev, Laguerre, Hermite, Jacobi, Legendre, and ultraspherical (Gegenbauer) polynomials. Additionally, specfun contains code for spherical Bessel, spherical Hankel, and spherical harmonic functions.
The following table lists each function in specfun, its Maxima name, restrictions on its arguments ( m and n must be integers), and a reference to the algorithm specfun uses to evaluate it. With few exceptions, specfun follows the conventions of Abramowitz and Stegun. Before you use specfun, check that specfun's conventions match your expectations.
A&S refers to Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions (10th printing, December 1972), G&R to Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, Table of Integrals, Series, and Products (1980 corrected and enlarged edition), and Merzbacher to Quantum Mechanics (2ed, 1970).
Maxima Name | Restrictions | Reference(s)
chebyshev_t(n, x) | n > -1 | A&S 22.5.31
chebyshev_u(n, x) | n > -1 | A&S 22.5.32
gen_laguerre(n,a,x) | n > -1 | A&S page 789
laguerre(n,x) | n > -1 | A&S 22.5.67
hermite(n,x) | n > -1 | A&S 22.4.40, 22.5.41
jacobi_p(n,a,b,x) | n > -1, a, b > -1 | A&S page 789
assoc_legendre_p(n,m,x) | n > -1 | A&S 22.5.37, 8.6.6, 8.2.5
assoc_legendre_q(n,m,x) | n > -1, m > -1 | G & R 8.706
legendre_p(n,m,x) | n > -1 | A&S 22.5.35
legendre_q(n,m,x) | n > -1 | A&S 8.6.19
spherical_hankel1(n, x) | n > -1 | A&S 10.1.36
spherical_hankel2(n, x) | n > -1 | A&S 10.1.17
spherical_bessel_j(n,x) | n > -1 | A&S 10.1.8, 10.1.15
spherical_bessel_y(n,x) | n > -1 | A&S 10.1.9, 10.1.15
spherical_harmonic(n,m,x,y) | n > -1, |m| <= n | Merzbacher 9.64
ultraspherical(n,a,x) | n > -1 | A&S 22.5.27 |
(defprop |$hermite| #"specfun.o" autoload) (add2lnc '|$hermite| $props)to your init.lsp file. An example use of specfun is
(c1) load("specfun.o")$ (c2) [hermite(0,x),hermite(1,x),hermite(2,x)]; (d2) [1,2*x,-2*(1-2*x^2)] (c3) diff(hermite(n,x),x); (d3) 2*n*hermite(n-1,x)When using the compiled version of specfun, be especially careful to use the correct number of function arguments; calling them with too few arguments may generate a fatal error messages. For example
(c1) load("specfun")$ /* chebyshev_t requires two arguments. */ (c2) chebyshev_t(8); Error: Caught fatal error [memory may be damaged] Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging Error signalled by MMAPCAR. Broken at SIMPLIFY. Type :H for Help.Maxima code translated into Lisp handles such errors more gracefully. If specfun.LISP is installed on your machine, the same computation results in a clear error message. For example
(c1) load("specfun.LISP")$ (c2) chebyshev_t(8); Error: Expected 2 args but received 1 args Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging Error signalled by MACSYMA-TOP-LEVEL. Broken at |$CHEBYSHEV_T|. Type :H for Help.Generally, compiled code runs faster than translated code; however, translated code may be better for program development. For some functions, when the order is symbolic but has been declared to be an integer, specfun will return a series representation. (The series representation is not used by specfun for any computations.) You may use this feature to find symbolic values for special values orthogonal polynomials. An example:
(c1) load("specfun")$ (c2) legendre_p(n,1); (d2) legendre_p(n, 1) /* Declare n to be an integer; now legendre_p(n,1) evaluates to 1. */ (c3) declare(n,integer)$ (c4) legendre_p(n,1); (d4) 1 (c5) ultraspherical(n,3/2,1); (d4) (n+1)*gamma (n+3) / (2*gamma (n+2))Although the preceding example doesn't show it, two terms of the sum are added outside the summation. Removing these two terms avoids errors associated with 0^0 terms in a sum that should evaluate to 1, but evaluate to 0 in a Maxima summation. Because the sum index runs from 1 to n - 1, the lower sum index will exceed the upper sum index when n = 0; setting sumhack to true provides a fix. For example:
(c1) load("specfun.o")$ (c2) declare(n,integer)$ (c3) e : legendre_p(n,x)$ (c4) ev(e,sum,n=0); Lower bound to SUM: 1 is greater than the upper bound: - 1 -- an error. Quitting. To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);) (c5) ev(e,sum,n=0),sumhack : true; (d5) 1Most functions in specfun have a gradef property; derivatives with respect to the order or other function parameters aren't unevaluated. The specfun package and its documentation were written by Barton Willis of the University of Nebraska at Kearney. It is released under the terms of the General Public License (GPL). Send bug reports and comments on this package to willisb@unk.edu. In your report, please include Maxima and specfun version information. The specfun version may be found using get:
(c2) get('specfun,'version); (d2) 110 @end exampleDefinitions for Orthogonal Polynomials
[specfun package] return the associated Legendre function of the second kind for integers n > -1 and m > -1.
Reference: Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 8.706 page 1000.
To access this function, load("specfun").
[specfun package] return the Chebyshev function of the first kind for integers n > -1.
Reference: A&S 22.5.31 page 778 and A&S 6.1.22 page 256.
To access this function, load("specfun").
[specfun package] return the Chebyshev function of the second kind for integers n > -1.
Reference: A&S, 22.8.3 page 783 and A&S 6.1.22 page 256.
To access this function, load("specfun").
[specfun package] return the generalized Laguerre polynomial for integers n > -1.
To access this function, load("specfun").
Reference: table on page 789 in A&S.
[specfun package] return the Hermite polynomial for integers n > -1.
To access this function, load("specfun").
Reference: A&S 22.5.40 and 22.5.41, page 779.
[specfun package] return the Jacobi polynomial for integers n > -1 and a and b symbolic or a > -1 and b > -1. (The Jacobi polynomials are actually defined for all a and b ; however, the Jacobi polynomial weight (1-x)^a(1+x)^b isn't integrable for a <= -1 or b <= -1. )
When a, b, and x are floats (but not bfloats) specfun calls a special modedeclared version of jacobi_p. For numerical values, the modedeclared version is much faster than the other version. Many functions in specfun are computed as a special case of the Jacobi polynomials; they also enjoy the speed boost from the modedeclared version of jacobi.
If n has been declared to be an integer, jacobi_p (n, a, b, x) returns a summation representation for the Jacobi function. Because Maxima simplifies 0^0 to 0 in a sum, two terms of the sum are added outside the summation.
To access this function, load("specfun").
Reference: table on page 789 in A&S.
[specfun package] return the Laguerre polynomial for integers n > -1.
Reference: A&S 22.5.16, page 778 and A&S page 789.
To access this function, load("specfun").
[specfun package] return the Legendre polynomial of the first kind for integers n > -1.
Reference: A&S 22.5.35 page 779.
To access this function, load("specfun").
[specfun package] return the Legendre polynomial of the first kind for integers n > -1.
Reference: A&S 8.6.19 page 334.
To access this function, load("specfun").
See also LEGENDRE_P.
[specfun package] return the spherical Bessel function of the first kind for integers n > -1.
Reference: A&S 10.1.8 page 437 and A&S 10.1.15 page 439.
To access this function, load("specfun").
[specfun package] return the spherical Bessel function of the second kind for integers n > -1.
Reference: A&S 10.1.9 page 437 and 10.1.15 page 439.
To access this function, load("specfun").
[specfun package] return the spherical hankel function of the first kind for integers n > -1.
Reference: A&S 10.1.36 page 439.
To access this function, load("specfun").
[specfun package] return the spherical hankel function of the second kind for integers n > -1.
Reference: A&S 10.1.17 page 439.
To access this function, load("specfun").
[specfun package] return the spherical harmonic function for integers n > -1 and | m | <= n .
Reference: Merzbacher 9.64.
To access this function, load("specfun").
[specfun package] return the ultraspherical polynomials for integers n > -1. The ultraspherical polynomials are also known as Gegenbauer polynomials.
Reference: A&S 22.5.27
To access this function, load("specfun").
See also JACOBI_P.
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