This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from maxima.texi. This is a Texinfo Maxima Manual Copyright 1994,2001 William F. Schelter START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Maxima: (maxima). A computer algebra system. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Definitions for Special Functions, Prev: SPECINT, Up: Special Functions Definitions for Special Functions ================================= - Function: AIRY (X) returns the Airy function Ai of real argument X. The file SHARE1;AIRY FASL contains routines to evaluate the Airy functions Ai(X), Bi(X), and their derivatives dAi(X), dBi(X). Ai and Bi satisfy the AIRY eqn diff(y(x),x,2)-x*y(x)=0. Read SHARE1;AIRY USAGE for details. - Function: ASYMP - A preliminary version of a program to find the asymptotic behavior of Feynman diagrams has been installed on the SHARE1; directory. For further information, see the file SHARE1;ASYMP USAGE. (For Asymptotic Analysis functions, see ASYMPA.) - Function: ASYMPA - Asymptotic Analysis - The file SHARE1;ASYMPA > contains simplification functions for asymptotic analysis, including the big-O and little-o functions that are widely used in complexity analysis and numerical analysis. Do BATCH(""); . (For asymptotic behavior of Feynman diagrams, see ASYMP.) - Function: BESSEL (Z,A) returns the Bessel function J for complex Z and real A > 0.0 . Also an array BESSELARRAY is set up such that BESSELARRAY[I] = J[I+A- ENTIER(A)](Z). - Function: BETA (X, Y) same as GAMMA(X)*GAMMA(Y)/GAMMA(X+Y). - Function: GAMMA (X) the gamma function. GAMMA(I)=(I-1)! for I a positive integer. For the Euler-Mascheroni constant, see %GAMMA. See also the MAKEGAMMA function. The variable GAMMALIM[1000000] (which see) controls simplification of the gamma function. - Variable: GAMMALIM default: [1000000] controls simplification of the gamma function for integral and rational number arguments. If the absolute value of the argument is not greater than GAMMALIM, then simplification will occur. Note that the FACTLIM switch controls simplification of the result of GAMMA of an integer argument as well. - Function: INTOPOIS (A) converts A into a Poisson encoding. - Function: MAKEFACT (exp) transforms occurrences of binomial,gamma, and beta functions in exp to factorials. - Function: MAKEGAMMA (exp) transforms occurrences of binomial,factorial, and beta functions in exp to gamma functions. - Function: NUMFACTOR (exp) gives the numerical factor multiplying the expression exp which should be a single term. If the gcd of all the terms in a sum is desired the CONTENT function may be used. (C1) GAMMA(7/2); (D1) 15 SQRT(%PI) ------------ 8 (C2) NUMFACTOR(%); 15 (D2) -- 8 - Function: OUTOFPOIS (A) converts A from Poisson encoding to general representation. If A is not in Poisson form, it will make the conversion, i.e. it will look like the result of OUTOFPOIS(INTOPOIS(A)). This function is thus a canonical simplifier for sums of powers of SIN's and COS's of a particular type. - Function: POISDIFF (A, B) differentiates A with respect to B. B must occur only in the trig arguments or only in the coefficients. - Function: POISEXPT (A, B) B a positive integer) is functionally identical to INTOPOIS(A**B). - Function: POISINT (A, B) integrates in a similarly restricted sense (to POISDIFF). Non-periodic terms in B are dropped if B is in the trig arguments. - Variable: POISLIM default: [5] - determines the domain of the coefficients in the arguments of the trig functions. The initial value of 5 corresponds to the interval [-2^(5-1)+1,2^(5-1)], or [-15,16], but it can be set to [-2^(n-1)+1, 2^(n-1)]. - Function: POISMAP (series, sinfn, cosfn) will map the functions sinfn on the sine terms and cosfn on the cosine terms of the poisson series given. sinfn and cosfn are functions of two arguments which are a coefficient and a trigonometric part of a term in series respectively. - Function: POISPLUS (A, B) is functionally identical to INTOPOIS(A+B). - Function: POISSIMP (A) converts A into a Poisson series for A in general representation. - special symbol: POISSON - The Symbol /P/ follows the line label of Poisson series expressions. - Function: POISSUBST (A, B, C) substitutes A for B in C. C is a Poisson series. (1) Where B is a variable U, V, W, X, Y, or Z then A must be an expression linear in those variables (e.g. 6*U+4*V). (2) Where B is other than those variables, then A must also be free of those variables, and furthermore, free of sines or cosines. POISSUBST(A, B, C, D, N) is a special type of substitution which operates on A and B as in type (1) above, but where D is a Poisson series, expands COS(D) and SIN(D) to order N so as to provide the result of substituting A+D for B in C. The idea is that D is an expansion in terms of a small parameter. For example, POISSUBST(U,V,COS(V),E,3) results in COS(U)*(1-E^2/2) - SIN(U)*(E-E^3/6). - Function: POISTIMES (A, B) is functionally identical to INTOPOIS(A*B). - Function: POISTRIM () is a reserved function name which (if the user has defined it) gets applied during Poisson multiplication. It is a predicate function of 6 arguments which are the coefficients of the U, V,..., Z in a term. Terms for which POISTRIM is TRUE (for the coefficients of that term) are eliminated during multiplication. - Function: PRINTPOIS (A) prints a Poisson series in a readable format. In common with OUTOFPOIS, it will convert A into a Poisson encoding first, if necessary. - Function: PSI (X) derivative of LOG(GAMMA(X)). At this time, MACSYMA does not have numerical evaluation capabilities for PSI. For information on the PSI[N](X) notation, see POLYGAMMA.  File:, Node: Orthogonal Polynomials, Next: Limits, Prev: Special Functions, Up: Top Orthogonal Polynomials ********************** * Menu: * Introduction to Orthogonal Polynomials:: * Definitions for Orthogonal Polynomials::  File:, Node: Introduction to Orthogonal Polynomials, Next: Definitions for Orthogonal Polynomials, Up: Orthogonal Polynomials Introduction to Orthogonal Polynomials ====================================== The specfun package, located in the share directory, contains Maxima code for the evaluation of all orthogonal polynomials listed in Chapter 22 of Abramowitz and Stegun. These include Chebyshev, Laguerre, Hermite, Jacobi, Legendre, and ultraspherical (Gegenbauer) polynomials. Additionally, specfun contains code for spherical Bessel, spherical Hankel, and spherical harmonic functions. The following table lists each function in specfun, its Maxima name, restrictions on its arguments ( m and n must be integers), and a reference to the algorithm specfun uses to evaluate it. With few exceptions, specfun follows the conventions of Abramowitz and Stegun. Before you use specfun, check that specfun's conventions match your expectations. A&S refers to Abramowitz and Stegun, _Handbook of Mathematical Functions_ (10th printing, December 1972), G&R to Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, _Table of Integrals, Series, and Products_ (1980 corrected and enlarged edition), and Merzbacher to _Quantum Mechanics_ (2ed, 1970). _Function_ _Maxima Name_ _Restrictions_ _Reference(s)_ Chebyshev T chebyshev_t(n, x) n > -1 A&S 22.5.31 Chebyshev U chebyshev_u(n, x) n > -1 A&S 22.5.32 generalized gen_laguerre(n,a,x)n > -1 A&S page 789 Laguerre Laguerre laguerre(n,x) n > -1 A&S 22.5.67 Hermite hermite(n,x) n > -1 A&S 22.4.40, 22.5.41 Jacobi jacobi_p(n,a,b,x) n > -1, a, b > A&S page 789 -1 associated assoc_legendre_p(n,m,x)n > -1 A&S 22.5.37, Legendre P 8.6.6, 8.2.5 associated assoc_legendre_q(n,m,x)n > -1, m > -1 G & R 8.706 Legendre Q Legendre P legendre_p(n,m,x) n > -1 A&S 22.5.35 Legendre Q legendre_q(n,m,x) n > -1 A&S 8.6.19 spherical Hankel spherical_hankel1(n,n > -1 A&S 10.1.36 1st x) spherical Hankel spherical_hankel2(n,n > -1 A&S 10.1.17 2nd x) spherical Bessel spherical_bessel_j(n,x)n > -1 A&S 10.1.8, J 10.1.15 spherical Bessel spherical_bessel_y(n,x)n > -1 A&S 10.1.9, Y 10.1.15 spherical spherical_harmonic(n,m,x,y)n > -1, |m| <= n Merzbacher 9.64 harmonic ultraspherical ultraspherical(n,a,x) n > -1 A&S 22.5.27 (Gegenbauer) The specfun package is primarily intended for symbolic computation. It is hoped that it gives accurate floating point results as well; however, no claims are made that the algorithms are well suited for numerical evaluation. Some effort, however, has been made to provide good numerical performance. When all arguments, except for the order, are floats (but not bfloats), many functions in specfun call a float modedeclared version of the Jacobi function. This greatly speeds floating point evaluation of the orthogonal polynomials. specfun handles most domain errors by returning an unevaluated function. No attempt has been made to define simplification rules (based on recursion relations) for unevaluated functions. Users should be aware that it is possible for an expression involving sums of unevaluated special functions to vanish, yet Maxima is unable to reduce it to zero. Be careful. To access functions in specfun, you must first load specfun.o. Alternatively, you may append autoload statements to your init.lsp file (located in your working directory). To autoload the hermite function, for example, append (defprop |$hermite| #"specfun.o" autoload) (add2lnc '|$hermite| $props) to your init.lsp file. An example use of specfun is (c1) load("specfun.o")$ (c2) [hermite(0,x),hermite(1,x),hermite(2,x)]; (d2) [1,2*x,-2*(1-2*x^2)] (c3) diff(hermite(n,x),x); (d3) 2*n*hermite(n-1,x) When using the compiled version of specfun, be especially careful to use the correct number of function arguments; calling them with too few arguments may generate a fatal error messages. For example (c1) load("specfun")$ /* chebyshev_t requires two arguments. */ (c2) chebyshev_t(8); Error: Caught fatal error [memory may be damaged] Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging Error signalled by MMAPCAR. Broken at SIMPLIFY. Type :H for Help. Maxima code translated into Lisp handles such errors more gracefully. If specfun.LISP is installed on your machine, the same computation results in a clear error message. For example (c1) load("specfun.LISP")$ (c2) chebyshev_t(8); Error: Expected 2 args but received 1 args Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging Error signalled by MACSYMA-TOP-LEVEL. Broken at |$CHEBYSHEV_T|. Type :H for Help. Generally, compiled code runs faster than translated code; however, translated code may be better for program development. For some functions, when the order is symbolic but has been declared to be an integer, specfun will return a series representation. (The series representation is not used by specfun for any computations.) You may use this feature to find symbolic values for special values orthogonal polynomials. An example: (c1) load("specfun")$ (c2) legendre_p(n,1); (d2) legendre_p(n, 1) /* Declare n to be an integer; now legendre_p(n,1) evaluates to 1. */ (c3) declare(n,integer)$ (c4) legendre_p(n,1); (d4) 1 (c5) ultraspherical(n,3/2,1); (d4) (n+1)*gamma (n+3) / (2*gamma (n+2)) Although the preceding example doesn't show it, two terms of the sum are added outside the summation. Removing these two terms avoids errors associated with 0^0 terms in a sum that should evaluate to 1, but evaluate to 0 in a Maxima summation. Because the sum index runs from 1 to n - 1, the lower sum index will exceed the upper sum index when n = 0; setting sumhack to true provides a fix. For example: (c1) load("specfun.o")$ (c2) declare(n,integer)$ (c3) e : legendre_p(n,x)$ (c4) ev(e,sum,n=0); Lower bound to SUM: 1 is greater than the upper bound: - 1 -- an error. Quitting. To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);) (c5) ev(e,sum,n=0),sumhack : true; (d5) 1 Most functions in specfun have a gradef property; derivatives with respect to the order or other function parameters aren't unevaluated. The specfun package and its documentation were written by Barton Willis of the University of Nebraska at Kearney. It is released under the terms of the General Public License (GPL). Send bug reports and comments on this package to In your report, please include Maxima and specfun version information. The specfun version may be found using get: (c2) get('specfun,'version); (d2) 110  File:, Node: Definitions for Orthogonal Polynomials, Prev: Introduction to Orthogonal Polynomials, Up: Orthogonal Polynomials Definitions for Orthogonal Polynomials ====================================== - Function: ASSOC_LEGENDRE_P (n, m, x) [specfun package] return the associated Legendre function of the first kind for integers n > -1 and m > -1. When | m | > n and n >= 0, we have assoc_legendre_p (n, m, x) = 0. Reference: A&S 22.5.37 page 779, A&S 8.6.6 (second equation) page 334, and A&S 8.2.5 page 333. To access this function, load("specfun"). See *Note ASSOC_LEGENDRE_Q::, *Note LEGENDRE_P::, and *Note LEGENDRE_Q::. - Function: ASSOC_LEGENDRE_Q (n, m, x) [specfun package] return the associated Legendre function of the second kind for integers n > -1 and m > -1. Reference: Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 8.706 page 1000. To access this function, load("specfun"). See also ASSOC_LEGENDRE_P, LEGENDRE_P, and LEGENDRE_Q. - Function: CHEBYSHEV_T (n, x) [specfun package] return the Chebyshev function of the first kind for integers n > -1. Reference: A&S 22.5.31 page 778 and A&S 6.1.22 page 256. To access this function, load("specfun"). See also CHEBYSHEV_U. - Function: CHEBYSHEV_U (n, x) [specfun package] return the Chebyshev function of the second kind for integers n > -1. Reference: A&S, 22.8.3 page 783 and A&S 6.1.22 page 256. To access this function, load("specfun"). See also CHEBYSHEV_T. - Function: GEN_LAGUERRE (n, a, x) [specfun package] return the generalized Laguerre polynomial for integers n > -1. To access this function, load("specfun"). Reference: table on page 789 in A&S. - Function: HERMITE (n,x) [specfun package] return the Hermite polynomial for integers n > -1. To access this function, load("specfun"). Reference: A&S 22.5.40 and 22.5.41, page 779. - Function: JACOBI_P (n, a, b, x) [specfun package] return the Jacobi polynomial for integers n > -1 and a and b symbolic or a > -1 and b > -1. (The Jacobi polynomials are actually defined for all a and b ; however, the Jacobi polynomial weight (1-x)^a(1+x)^b isn't integrable for a <= -1 or b <= -1. ) When a, b, and x are floats (but not bfloats) specfun calls a special modedeclared version of jacobi_p. For numerical values, the modedeclared version is much faster than the other version. Many functions in specfun are computed as a special case of the Jacobi polynomials; they also enjoy the speed boost from the modedeclared version of jacobi. If n has been declared to be an integer, jacobi_p (n, a, b, x) returns a summation representation for the Jacobi function. Because Maxima simplifies 0^0 to 0 in a sum, two terms of the sum are added outside the summation. To access this function, load("specfun"). Reference: table on page 789 in A&S. - Function: LAGUERRE (n, x) [specfun package] return the Laguerre polynomial for integers n > -1. Reference: A&S 22.5.16, page 778 and A&S page 789. To access this function, load("specfun"). See also GEN_LAGUERRE. - Function: LEGENDRE_P (n, x) [specfun package] return the Legendre polynomial of the first kind for integers n > -1. Reference: A&S 22.5.35 page 779. To access this function, load("specfun"). See *Note LEGENDRE_Q::. - Function: LEGENDRE_Q (n, x) [specfun package] return the Legendre polynomial of the first kind for integers n > -1. Reference: A&S 8.6.19 page 334. To access this function, load("specfun"). See also LEGENDRE_P. - Function: SPHERICAL_BESSEL_J (n, x) [specfun package] return the spherical Bessel function of the first kind for integers n > -1. Reference: A&S 10.1.8 page 437 and A&S 10.1.15 page 439. To access this function, load("specfun"). See also SPHERICAL_HANKEL1, SPHERICAL_HANKEL2, and SPHERICAL_BESSEL_Y. - Function: SPHERICAL_BESSEL_Y (n, x) [specfun package] return the spherical Bessel function of the second kind for integers n > -1. Reference: A&S 10.1.9 page 437 and 10.1.15 page 439. To access this function, load("specfun"). See also SPHERICAL_HANKEL1, SPHERICAL_HANKEL2, and SPHERICAL_BESSEL_Y. - Function: SPHERICAL_HANKEL1 (n,x) [specfun package] return the spherical hankel function of the first kind for integers n > -1. Reference: A&S 10.1.36 page 439. To access this function, load("specfun"). See also SPHERICAL_HANKEL2, SPHERICAL_BESSEL_J, and SPHERICAL_BESSEL_Y. - Function: SPHERICAL_HANKEL2 (n,x) [specfun package] return the spherical hankel function of the second kind for integers n > -1. Reference: A&S 10.1.17 page 439. To access this function, load("specfun"). See also SPHERICAL_HANKEL1, SPHERICAL_BESSEL_J, and SPHERICAL_BESSEL_Y. - Function: SPHERICAL_HARMONIC (n, m, x, y) [specfun package] return the spherical harmonic function for integers n > -1 and | m | <= n . Reference: Merzbacher 9.64. To access this function, load("specfun"). See also ASSOC_LEGENDRE_P - Function: ULTRASPHERICAL (n,a,x) [specfun package] return the ultraspherical polynomials for integers n > -1. The ultraspherical polynomials are also known as Gegenbauer polynomials. Reference: A&S 22.5.27 To access this function, load("specfun"). See also JACOBI_P.  File:, Node: Limits, Next: Differentiation, Prev: Orthogonal Polynomials, Up: Top Limits ****** * Menu: * Definitions for Limits::  File:, Node: Definitions for Limits, Prev: Limits, Up: Limits Definitions for Limits ====================== - Variable: LHOSPITALLIM default: [4] - the maximum number of times L'Hospital's rule is used in LIMIT. This prevents infinite looping in cases like LIMIT(COT(X)/CSC(X),X,0). - Function: LIMIT (exp, var, val, dir) finds the limit of exp as the real variable var approaches the value val from the direction dir. Dir may have the value PLUS for a limit from above, MINUS for a limit from below, or may be omitted (implying a two-sided limit is to be computed). For the method see Wang, P., "Evaluation of Definite Integrals by Symbolic Manipulation" - Ph.D. Thesis - MAC TR-92 October 1971. LIMIT uses the following special symbols: INF (positive infinity) and MINF (negative infinity). On output it may also use UND (undefined), IND (indefinite but bounded) and INFINITY (complex infinity). LHOSPITALLIM[4] is the maximum number of times L'Hospital's rule is used in LIMIT. This prevents infinite looping in cases like LIMIT(COT(X)/CSC(X),X,0). TLIMSWITCH[FALSE] when true will cause the limit package to use Taylor series when possible. LIMSUBST[FALSE] prevents LIMIT from attempting substitutions on unknown forms. This is to avoid bugs like LIMIT(F(N)/F(N+1),N,INF); giving 1. Setting LIMSUBST to TRUE will allow such substitutions. Since LIMIT is often called upon to simplify constant expressions, for example, INF-1, LIMIT may be used in such cases with only one argument, e.g. LIMIT(INF-1); Do EXAMPLE(LIMIT); for examples. - Function: TLIMIT (exp,var,val,dir) is just the function LIMIT with TLIMSWITCH set to TRUE. - Variable: TLIMSWITCH default: [FALSE] - if true will cause the limit package to use Taylor series when possible.  File:, Node: Differentiation, Next: Integration, Prev: Limits, Up: Top Differentiation *************** * Menu: * Definitions for Differentiation::  File:, Node: Definitions for Differentiation, Prev: Differentiation, Up: Differentiation Definitions for Differentiation =============================== - Function: ANTID (G,X,U(X)) A routine for evaluating integrals of expressions involving an arbitrary unspecified function and its derivatives. It may be used by LOAD(ANTID); , after which, the function ANTIDIFF may be used. E.g. ANTIDIFF(G,X,U(X)); where G is the expression involving U(X) (U(X) arbitrary) and its derivatives, whose integral with respect to X is desired. The functions NONZEROANDFREEOF and LINEAR are also defined, as well as ANTID. ANTID is the same as ANTIDIFF except that it returns a list of two parts, the first part is the integrated part of the expression and the second part of the list is the non-integrable remainder. - Function: ANTIDIFF - See ANTID. - property: ATOMGRAD - the atomic gradient property of an expression. May be set by GRADEF. - Function: ATVALUE (form, list, value) enables the user to assign the boundary value value to form at the points specified by list. (C1) ATVALUE(F(X,Y),[X=0,Y=1],A**2)$ The form must be a function, f(v1,v2,...), or a derivative, DIFF(f(v1,v2,...),vi,ni,vj,nj,...) in which the functional arguments explicitly appear (ni is the order of differentiation with respect vi). The list of equations determine the "boundary" at which the value is given; list may be a list of equations, as above, or a single equation, vi = expr. The symbols @1, @2,... will be used to represent the functional variables v1,v2,... when atvalues are displayed. PRINTPROPS([f1, f2,...], ATVALUE) will display the atvalues of the functions f1,f2,... as specified in previously given uses of the ATVALUE function. If the list contains just one element then the element can be given without being in a list. If a first argument of ALL is given then atvalues for all functions which have them will be displayed. Do EXAMPLE(ATVALUE); for an example. - Function: CARTAN - The exterior calculus of differential forms is a basic tool of differential geometry developed by Elie Cartan and has important applications in the theory of partial differential equations. The present implementation is due to F.B. Estabrook and H.D. Wahlquist. The program is self-explanatory and can be accessed by doing batch("cartan"); which will give a description with examples. - Function: DELTA (t) This is the Dirac Delta function. Currently only LAPLACE knows about the DELTA function: (C1) LAPLACE(DELTA(T-A)*SIN(B*T),T,S); Is A positive, negative or zero? POS; - A S (D1) SIN(A B) %E - Variable: DEPENDENCIES default: [] - the list of atoms which have functional dependencies (set up by the DEPENDS or GRADEF functions). The command DEPENDENCIES has been replaced by the DEPENDS command. Do DESCRIBE(DEPENDS); - Function: DEPENDS (funlist1,varlist1,funlist2,varlist2,...) declares functional dependencies for variables to be used by DIFF. DEPENDS([F,G],[X,Y],[R,S],[U,V,W],U,T) informs DIFF that F and G depend on X and Y, that R and S depend on U,V, and W, and that U depends on T. The arguments to DEPENDS are evaluated. The variables in each funlist are declared to depend on all the variables in the next varlist. A funlist can contain the name of an atomic variable or array. In the latter case, it is assumed that all the elements of the array depend on all the variables in the succeeding varlist. Initially, DIFF(F,X) is 0; executing DEPENDS(F,X) causes future differentiations of F with respect to X to give dF/dX or Y (if DERIVABBREV:TRUE). (C1) DEPENDS([F,G],[X,Y],[R,S],[U,V,W],U,T); (D1) [F(X, Y), G(X, Y), R(U, V, W), S(U, V, W), U(T)] (C2) DEPENDENCIES; (D2) [F(X, Y), G(X, Y), R(U, V, W), S(U, V, W), U(T)] (C3) DIFF(R.S,U); dR dS (D3) -- . S + R . -- dU dU Since MACSYMA knows the chain rule for symbolic derivatives, it takes advantage of the given dependencies as follows: (C4) DIFF(R.S,T); dR dU dS dU (D4) (-- --) . S + R . (-- --) dU dT dU dT If we set (C5) DERIVABBREV:TRUE; (D5) TRUE then re-executing the command C4, we obtain (C6) ''C4; (D6) (R U ) . S + R . (S U ) U T U T To eliminate a previously declared dependency, the REMOVE command can be used. For example, to say that R no longer depends on U as declared in C1, the user can type REMOVE(R,DEPENDENCY) This will eliminate all dependencies that may have been declared for R. (C7) REMOVE(R,DEPENDENCY); (D7) DONE (C8) ''C4; (D8) R . (S U ) U T CAVEAT: DIFF is the only MACSYMA command which uses DEPENDENCIES information. The arguments to INTEGRATE, LAPLACE, etc. must be given their dependencies explicitly in the command, e.g., INTEGRATE(F(X),X). - Variable: DERIVABBREV default: [FALSE] if TRUE will cause derivatives to display as subscripts. - Function: DERIVDEGREE (exp, dv, iv) finds the highest degree of the derivative of the dependent variable dv with respect to the independent variable iv occuring in exp. (C1) 'DIFF(Y,X,2)+'DIFF(Y,Z,3)*2+'DIFF(Y,X)*X**2$ (C2) DERIVDEGREE(%,Y,X); (D2) 2 - Function: DERIVLIST (var1,...,vark) causes only differentiations with respect to the indicated variables, within the EV command. - Variable: DERIVSUBST default: [FALSE] - controls non-syntactic substitutions such as SUBST(X,'DIFF(Y,T),'DIFF(Y,T,2)); If DERIVSUBST is set to true, this gives 'DIFF(X,T). - special symbol: DIFF [flag] for ev causes all differentiations indicated in exp to be performed. - Function: DIFF (exp, v1, n1, v2, n2, ...) DIFF differentiates exp with respect to each vi, ni times. If just the first derivative with respect to one variable is desired then the form DIFF(exp,v) may be used. If the noun form of the function is required (as, for example, when writing a differential equation), 'DIFF should be used and this will display in a two dimensional format. DERIVABBREV[FALSE] if TRUE will cause derivatives to display as subscripts. DIFF(exp) gives the "total differential", that is, the sum of the derivatives of exp with respect to each of its variables times the function DEL of the variable. No further simplification of DEL is offered. (C1) DIFF(EXP(F(X)),X,2); 2 F(X) d F(X) d 2 (D1) %E (--- F(X)) + %E (-- (F(X))) 2 dX dX (C2) DERIVABBREV:TRUE$ (C3) 'INTEGRATE(F(X,Y),Y,G(X),H(X)); H(X) / [ (D3) I F(X, Y) dY ] / G(X) (C4) DIFF(%,X); H(X) / [ (D4) I F(X, Y) dY + F(X, H(X)) H(X) - F(X, G(X)) G(X) ] X X X / G(X) For the tensor package, the following modifications have been incorporated: 1) the derivatives of any indexed objects in exp will have the variables vi appended as additional arguments. Then all the derivative indices will be sorted. 2) the vi may be integers from 1 up to the value of the variable DIMENSION[default value: 4]. This will cause the differentiation to be carried out wrt the vith member of the list COORDINATES which should be set to a list of the names of the coordinates, e.g., [x,y,z,t]. If COORDINATES is bound to an atomic variable, then that variable subscripted by vi will be used for the variable of differentiation. This permits an array of coordinate names or subscripted names like X[1], X[2],... to be used. If COORDINATES has not been assigned a value, then the variables will be treated as in 1) above. - Function: DSCALAR (function) applies the scalar d'Alembertian to the scalar function. (C41) DEPENDENCIES(FIELD(R)); (D41) [FIELD(R)] (C42) DSCALAR(FIELD); (D43) -M %E ((FIELD N - FIELD M + 2 FIELD ) R + 4 FIELD ) R R R R R R R - ----------------------------------------------------- 2 R - Function: EXPRESS (expression) The result uses the noun form of any derivatives arising from expansion of the vector differential operators. To force evaluation of these derivatives, the built-in EV function can be used together with the DIFF evflag, after using the built-in DEPENDS function to establish any new implicit dependencies. - Function: GENDIFF Sometimes DIFF(E,X,N) can be reduced even though N is symbolic. batch("")$ and you can try, for example, DIFF(%E^(A*X),X,Q) by using GENDIFF rather than DIFF. Unevaluable items come out quoted. Some items are in terms of "GENFACT", which see. - Function: GRADEF (f(x1, ..., xn), g1, ..., gn) defines the derivatives of the function f with respect to its n arguments. That is, df/dxi = gi, etc. If fewer than n gradients, say i, are given, then they refer to the first i arguments of f. The xi are merely dummy variables as in function definition headers and are used to indicate the ith argument of f. All arguments to GRADEF except the first are evaluated so that if g is a defined function then it is invoked and the result is used. Gradients are needed when, for example, a function is not known explicitly but its first derivatives are and it is desired to obtain higher order derivatives. GRADEF may also be used to redefine the derivatives of MACSYMA's predefined functions (e.g. GRADEF(SIN(X),SQRT(1-SIN(X)**2)) ). It is not permissible to use GRADEF on subscripted functions. GRADEFS is a list of the functions which have been given gradients by use of the GRADEF command (i.e. GRADEF(f(x1, ..., xn), g1, ..., gn)). PRINTPROPS([f1,f2,...],GRADEF) may be used to display the gradefs of the functions f1,f2,.. GRADEF(a,v,exp) may be used to state that the derivative of the atomic variable a with respect to v is exp. This automatically does a DEPENDS(a,v). PRINTPROPS([a1,a2,...],ATOMGRAD) may be used to display the atomic gradient properties of a1,a2,... - Variable: GRADEFS default: [] - a list of the functions which have been given gradients by use of the GRADEF command (i.e. GRADEF(f(x1, ..., xn), g1, ..., gn).) - Function: LAPLACE (exp, ovar, lvar) takes the Laplace transform of exp with respect to the variable ovar and transform parameter lvar. Exp may only involve the functions EXP, LOG, SIN, COS, SINH, COSH, and ERF. It may also be a linear, constant coefficient differential equation in which case ATVALUE of the dependent variable will be used. These may be supplied either before or after the transform is taken. Since the initial conditions must be specified at zero, if one has boundary conditions imposed elsewhere he can impose these on the general solution and eliminate the constants by solving the general solution for them and substituting their values back. Exp may also involve convolution integrals. Functional relationships must be explicitly represented in order for LAPLACE to work properly. That is, if F depends on X and Y it must be written as F(X,Y) wherever F occurs as in LAPLACE('DIFF(F(X,Y),X),X,S). LAPLACE is not affected by DEPENDENCIES set up with the DEPENDS command. (C1) LAPLACE(%E**(2*T+A)*SIN(T)*T,T,S); A 2 %E (S - 2) (D1) --------------- 2 2 ((S - 2) + 1) - Function: UNDIFF (exp) returns an expression equivalent to exp but with all derivatives of indexed objects replaced by the noun form of the DIFF function with arguments which would yield that indexed object if the differentiation were carried out. This is useful when it is desired to replace a differentiated indexed object with some function definition and then carry out the differentiation by saying EV(...,DIFF).  File:, Node: Integration, Next: Equations, Prev: Differentiation, Up: Top Integration *********** * Menu: * Introduction to Integration:: * Definitions for Integration::  File:, Node: Introduction to Integration, Next: Definitions for Integration, Prev: Integration, Up: Integration Introduction to Integration =========================== MACSYMA has several routines for handling integration. The INTEGRATE command makes use of most of them. There is also the ANTID package, which handles an unspecified function (and its derivatives, of course). For numerical uses, there is the ROMBERG function, and the IMSL version of Romberg, DCADRE. There is also an adaptave integrator which uses the Newton-Cotes 8 panel quadrature rule, called QUANC8. Hypergeometric Functions are being worked on, do DESCRIBE(SPECINT); for details. Generally speaking, MACSYMA only handles integrals which are integrable in terms of the "elementary functions" (rational functions, trigonometrics, logs, exponentials, radicals, etc.) and a few extensions (error function, dilogarithm). It does not handle integrals in terms of unknown functions such as g(x) and h(x).