
Berkeley DB: Databases and Related Methods

Databases and Related MethodsDescription
Db::associateAssociate a secondary index
Db::closeClose a database
Db::cursorCreate a cursor handle
Db::delDelete items from a database
Db::errError message with error string
Db::errxError message
Db::fdReturn a file descriptor from a database
Db::getGet items from a database
Db::get_byteswappedReturn if the underlying database is in host order
Db::get_typeReturn the database type
Db::joinPerform a database join on cursors
Db::key_rangeReturn estimate of key location
Db::openOpen a database
Db::pgetGet items from a database
Db::putStore items into a database
Db::removeRemove a database
Db::renameRename a database
Db::set_allocSet local space allocation functions
Db::set_append_recnoSet record append callback
Db::set_bt_compareSet a Btree comparison function
Db::set_bt_minkeySet the minimum number of keys per Btree page
Db::set_bt_prefixSet a Btree prefix comparison function
Db::set_cache_prioritySet the database cache priority
Db::set_cachesizeSet the database cache size
Db::set_dup_compareSet a duplicate comparison function
Db::set_encryptSet the database cryptographic key
Db::set_errcallSet error message callback
Db::set_errfileSet error message FILE
Db::set_error_streamSet error message output stream
Db::set_errpfxSet error message prefix
Db::set_feedbackSet feedback callback
Db::set_flagsGeneral database configuration
Db::set_h_ffactorSet the Hash table density
Db::set_h_hashSet a hashing function
Db::set_h_nelemSet the Hash table size
Db::set_lorderSet the database byte order
Db::set_pagesizeSet the underlying database page size
Db::set_paniccallSet panic callback
Db::set_q_extentsizeSet Queue database extent size
Db::set_re_delimSet the variable-length record delimiter
Db::set_re_lenSet the fixed-length record length
Db::set_re_padSet the fixed-length record pad byte
Db::set_re_sourceSet the backing Recno text file
Db::statReturn database statistics
Db::syncFlush a database to stable storage
Db::truncateEmpty a database
Db::upgradeUpgrade a database
Db::verifyVerify/salvage a database

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