Source: include/qextmdichildarea.h
// filename : qextmdichildarea.h
// Project : Qt MDI extension
// begin : 07/1999 by Szymon Stefanek as part of kvirc
// (an IRC application)
// changes : 09/1999 by Falk Brettschneider to create an
// - 06/2000 stand-alone Qt extension set of
// classes and a Qt-based library
// copyright : (C) 1999-2000 by Falk Brettschneider
// and
// Szymon Stefanek (stefanek@tin.it)
// email : gigafalk@yahoo.com (Falk Brettschneider)
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include "qextmdichildfrm.h"
#include "qextmdichildview.h"
* @short Internal class.
* The main frame widget QextMdiMainFrm consists of 2 child widgets. One is this class.
* It's the widget where the child frames (emulated toplevel MDI views) live in.
* This class is the manager for the child frame widgets because it controls the
* Z-order widget stack of QextMdiChildFrm's.
* It provides all placing and positioning algorithms for docked (attached) MDI views.
* QextMdiChildArea doesn't know anything about the actual MDI views. It only knows
* and manages the frame widgets of attached MDI views.
* All actions and stuff concerning only to childframes are handled here.
class DLL_IMP_EXP_QEXTMDICLASS QextMdiChildArea : public QFrame
friend class QextMdiChildFrmCaption;
friend class QextMdiChildFrm;
// attributes
* Z Order stack of @ref QextMdiChildFrm childframe windows (top=last)
QList *m_pZ; //Auto delete enabled
* the default size of an newly created childframe
QSize m_defaultChildFrmSize;
* The MDI childframe window caption font
QFont m_captionFont;
* The foreground color of the active MDI childframe window caption
QColor m_captionActiveBackColor;
* The background color of the active MDI childframe window captions
QColor m_captionActiveForeColor;
* The foreground color of inactive MDI childframe window captions
QColor m_captionInactiveBackColor;
* The background color of inactive MDI childframe window captions
QColor m_captionInactiveForeColor;
int m_captionFontLineSpacing;
// methods
* Consruction. Note: This class needn't to know about @ref QextMdiMainFrm .
QextMdiChildArea(QWidget *parent);
* Destructor : THERE should be no child windows anymore...
* Howewer it simply deletes all the child widgets :)
* Appends a new QextMdiChildFrm to this manager.
* The child is shown,raised and gets focus if this window has it.
void manageChild(QextMdiChildFrm *lpC,bool bShow=TRUE,bool bCascade=TRUE);
* Destroys a QextMdiChildFrm managed.
* Note that if a client is attached to this child , it is deleted too!
void destroyChild(QextMdiChildFrm *lpC,bool bFocusTopChild = TRUE);
* Destroys a QextMdiChildFrm managed.
* Note that if a client is attached to this child , it is NOT deleted!
void destroyChildButNotItsView(QextMdiChildFrm *lpC,bool bFocusTopChild = TRUE);
* Brings the child lpC to the top of the stack
* The children is focused if bSetFocus is TRUE
* otherwise is raised only
void setTopChild(QextMdiChildFrm *lpC,bool bSetFocus=FALSE);
* Returns the topmost child (the active one) or 0 if there are no children.
* Note that the topmost child may be also hidded , if ALL the windows are minimized.
inline QextMdiChildFrm * topChild(){ return m_pZ->last(); };
* Returns the number of visible children
int getVisibleChildCount();
* Calculates the cascade point for the given index. If index is -1
* the cascade point is calculated for the window following the last window
QPoint getCascadePoint(int indexOfWindow = -1);
* Sets the MDI childframe window caption font (no relayout)
void setMdiCaptionFont(const QFont &fnt);
* Sets the foreground color of the active MDI childframe window caption (no relayout)
void setMdiCaptionActiveForeColor(const QColor &clr);
* Sets the background color of the active MDI childframe window captions (no relayout)
void setMdiCaptionActiveBackColor(const QColor &clr);
* Sets the foreground color of inactive MDI childframe window captions (no relayout)
void setMdiCaptionInactiveForeColor(const QColor &clr);
* Sets the background color of inactive MDI childframe window captions (no relayout)
void setMdiCaptionInactiveBackColor(const QColor &clr);
public slots:
* Cascades the windows resizing it to the minimum size.
void cascadeWindows();
* Casecades the windows resizing it to the maximum available size.
void cascadeMaximized();
* Maximize all windows but only in vertical direction
void expandVertical();
* Maximize all windows but only in horizontal direction
void expandHorizontal();
* Foces focus to the topmost child
* In case that it not gets focused automatically...
* Btw : It should not happen.
void focusTopChild();
* Tile Pragma
void tilePragma();
* Tile Anodine
void tileAnodine();
* Tile Vertically
void tileVertically();
* Positioning of minimized child frames
void layoutMinimizedChildren();
* Internally used for the tile algorithm
void tileAllInternal(int maxWnds);
* Automatically resizes a maximized MDI view and layouts the positions of minimized MDI views.
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
* Shows the 'Window' popup menu on right mouse button click
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
* Internally used. Actions that are necessary when an MDI view gets minimized
void childMinimized(QextMdiChildFrm *lpC,bool bWasMaximized);
* Signalizes that there aren't maximized child frames any more
void noMaximizedChildFrmLeft(QextMdiChildFrm*);
* Signalizes that the child frames are maximized now
void nowMaximized(bool);
* Internally used.
* Signalizes from QextMdiChildArea to QextMdiMainFrm
* that the signal/slot connections of the system buttons in the menubar (only in Maximize mode)
* must be updated to another MDI view because the focused MDI view has changed
void sysButtonConnectionsMustChange(QextMdiChildFrm*, QextMdiChildFrm*);
* Internally used.
* Signalizes from QextMdiChildArea to QextMdiMainFrm
* that the 'Window' popup menu must be shown
void popupWindowMenu( QPoint);
* Signalizes that the last attached (docked) MDI view has been closed.
* Note: Detached MDI views can remain.
void lastChildFrmClosed();
Generated by: falk on pc9 on Fri Nov 30 14:44:26 2001, using kdoc 2.0a53. |