Source: include/kdocktabctl.h
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 2000 Max Judin
Copyright (C) 2000 Falk Brettschneider
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
05/2000 : bufixes, patches by Christoph Cullmann ,
Joseph Wenninger and Falk Brettschneider
03/2000 - 04/2000 : bugfixes, patches by Falk Brettschneider
03/2000 : now maintained by Falk Brettschneider
03/2000 : class documentation added by Falk Brettschneider
10/1999 - 05/2000 : programmed by Max Judin
3/2000 - 5/2000 : patches and bugfixes by Falk Brettschneider
C++ classes in this file:
- KDockTabBar - minor class (but the actual tab bar)
- KDockTabCtl - helper class for a tab-bar mode of centered docked KDockWidgets
- KDockTabBarPainter - minor class (paints the tab header)
IMPORTANT Note: This file compiles also in Qt-only mode by using the NO_KDE2 precompiler definition!
#ifndef NO_KDE2
#include "exportdockclass.h"
class QWidgetStack;
class QBoxLayout;
class QPushButton;
struct KDockTabBar_PrivateStruct;
class KDockTabBarPainter;
class KDockDynTabBarToolTip;
* Actually an internal struct. But it is used in a QList of KDockTabCtl (see below).
* So we cannot use class forward declaration since QList demands to know the destructor method.
struct KDockTabCtl_PrivateStruct
KDockTabCtl_PrivateStruct( QWidget* _widget, int _id )
{ widget = _widget; id = _id; enabled = true; }
QWidget* widget;
int id;
bool enabled;
* The actual tab bar for dockwidgets (and member of the dockwidget class set).
* This class is covered by its manager, @ref KDockTabCtl.
* It provides some set/get methods and managment
* methods like insert, remove, activate for tab widgets.
* @author Max Judin (documentation: Falk Brettschneider).
class EXPORT_DOCKCLASS KDockTabBar : public QWidget
friend class KDockTabBarPainter;
* Constructs a tab bar widget.
* The parent and name argument are sent to the QWidget constructor.
KDockTabBar( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 );
* Destructs this.
* For clearer setting (or asking for) the current tab page position.
enum TabPos
* Set the position to tabpos and repaints this.
* @param tabpos Either @p TAB_TOP or @p TAB_RIGHT, just where you
* want it to be
void setTabPos( TabPos tabpos);
* Insert a new empty tab page to the tab bar.
* If @p id is not specified, the tab is simply added. Otherwise
* it's inserted at the specified position.
* @param label The title in the tab page header.
* @param id Suggest an identification number for access operations but it will be shifted to the next free value.
* @param index The tab page position (default=-1 means append)
* @return The new allocated id.
int insertTab( const QString &label, int id = -1, int index = -1 );
* Set an icon for the tab page with that @p id.
* @param id The identification number of that desired page.
* @param pix The new pixmap.
void setPixmap( int id, const QPixmap &pix );
* Set a tooltip for the tab page with that @p id.
* @param id The identification number of that desired page.
* @param toolTipStr The new tooltip.
void setToolTip( int id, const QString &toolTipStr );
* Set the text colour for the tab page with that @p id.
* @param id The identification number of that desired page.
* @param color The new text colour.
void setTextColor( int id, const QColor &color );
* Retrieve the text colour for the tab page with that @p id.
* @param id the identification number of that desired tab page
* @return the current text colour of that tab page
const QColor& textColor( int id );
* Removes the tab page with that @p id.
* @param id The identification number of that desired page.
void removeTab( int id);
* Retrieve the current tab page.
* @return The @p id of the tab page.
int currentTab(){ return _currentTab; }
* Set the current tab page to the page with that @p id.
* @param id The identification number of that desired page.
* @param allowDisable Disables the tab page.
void setCurrentTab( int id, bool allowDisable = false );
* Enable or disable the tab page with that @p id.
void setTabEnabled( int id, bool e);
* Returns if the tab page with that @p id is enabled or disabled.
bool isTabEnabled( int id);
* Set the title of the tab page with that @p id.
* @param id The identification number of that desired page.
* @param caption A string for the title.
void setTabCaption( int id, const QString &caption );
* Retrieve the title of the tab page with that @p id.
* @param id the identification number of that desired page
QString tabCaption( int id );
* Calls @ref QWidget::show() and @ref showPage() for the current tab
* page, additionally.
virtual void show();
* Set the font of @p this.
virtual void setFont( const QFont & );
* Show or hide the icons for the tab pages in the header.
void showTabIcon( bool );
* Returns if the icons for the tab pages are shown in the header.
bool isShowTabIcon(){ return iconShow; }
* Signals that a tab page with that id is selected.
* @param id the identification number of that desired page
void tabSelected( int id);
* Signals that the right mouse buttons is pressed on the tab page
* with that @pid.
* @param id The identification number of that desired page.
void rightButtonPress( int id, QPoint );
protected slots:
* Does things that should be done if someone has clicked the left mouse button.
void leftClicked();
* Does things that should be done if someone has clicked the right mouse button.
void rightClicked();
* Handles paint events for this widgets
* Reimplemented from QWidget
virtual void paintEvent( QPaintEvent* );
* Handles resize events for this widgets
* Reimplemented from QWidget
virtual void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* );
* Handles key press events for this widgets
* Reimplemented from QWidget
virtual void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* );
/** For internal use */
void setButtonPixmap();
/** For internal use */
void updateHeight();
/** For internal use */
KDockTabBar_PrivateStruct* findData( int id );
/** For internal use */
int tabsWidth();
/** For internal use */
void tabsRecreate();
TabPos tabPos;
KDockTabBarPainter* barPainter;
QList *mainData;
int _currentTab;
int leftTab;
QPixmap* up_xpm;
QPixmap* down_xpm;
QPixmap* left_xpm;
QPixmap* right_xpm;
QPushButton *right;
QPushButton *left;
bool rightscroll;
bool leftscroll;
bool iconShow;
class KDockTabBarPrivate;
KDockTabBarPrivate *d;
* The draw helper for the @ref KDockTabBar (and member of the dockwidget class set).
* Minor importance for application programmers who uses the dockwidget class set.
* @author Max Judin (documentation: Falk Brettschneider).
class EXPORT_DOCKCLASS KDockTabBarPainter : public QWidget
friend class KDockTabBar;
/** returns the tooltip string of the tab at this position */
QString tip( const QPoint & p );
/** returns the tab rectangle at this position */
QRect findBarRectByPos( int x, int y);
KDockTabBarPainter( KDockTabBar* parent );
void drawBuffer();
int findBarByPos( int x, int y );
QPixmap* buffer;
int mousePressTab;
int delta;
KDockDynTabBarToolTip* dynToolTip;
class KDockTabBarPainterPrivate;
KDockTabBarPainterPrivate *d;
* Handles mouse press events for this widgets
* Reimplemented from QWidget
virtual void mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * );
* Handles mouse release events for this widgets
* Reimplemented from QWidget
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * );
* Handles resize events for this widgets
* Reimplemented from QWidget
virtual void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * );
* Handles paint events for this widgets
* Reimplemented from QWidget
virtual void paintEvent( QPaintEvent * );
* A manager for a single @ref KDockTabBar (and member of the dockwidget class set).
* The @ref KDockWidget class ever use this class instead of accessing the KDockTabBar directly.
* For some reasons it's more practical for the Dockwidget class set than @ref QTabBar or @ref KTabBar .
* @author Max Judin (documentation: Falk Brettschneider).
class EXPORT_DOCKCLASS KDockTabCtl : public QWidget
* Constructs a dock-tab control object.
KDockTabCtl( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );
* Destructs this.
* Calls @ref KDockTabBar::setTabPos of its embedded tab bar but does layout actions, additionally.
virtual void setTabPos( KDockTabBar::TabPos );
* Returns the current tab position of its docktabbar.
KDockTabBar::TabPos getTabPos(){ return tabPos; }
* Inserts a new tab page in the encapsulated docktabbar.
* Mainly it calls @ref KDockTabBar::insertTab and does additional management operations.
* @param w the widget that is inserted
* @param label the title for the caption bar of the tab page
* @param id suggest an identification number for access operations but it will be shifted to the next free value
* @param index the tab page position (default=-1 means append)
* @return the id of the new inserted page
int insertPage( QWidget * w, const QString &label, int id = -1, int index = -1 );
* Sets the title of the tab page.
* Mainly it calls @ref KDockTabBar::setPageCaption but calls it internally by the page id.
* @param w the widget we want to give a new caption
* @param s well, what the heck could that be? ;-)
void setPageCaption( QWidget* w, const QString &s );
/** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
* It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void setPageCaption( int id, const QString &caption ){ setPageCaption( page(id), caption ); }
* Returns the title of the tab page.
* Mainly it calls @ref KDockTabBar::setPageCaption but calls it internally by the page id.
* @param w the widget for that we want to know its caption
* @return a string containing the title of the page
QString pageCaption( QWidget* w);
/** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
* It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
QString pageCaption( int id ){ return pageCaption( page(id) ); }
void captionAutoSet( bool autoSet ){ m_autoSetCaption = autoSet; }
bool isCaptionAutoSet() { return m_autoSetCaption; }
* Sets an icon for the tab page (shown in the tab header).
* @param w the widget we want to give a new icon
* @param pix the new icon
void setPixmap( QWidget* w, const QPixmap &pix );
/** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
* It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void setPixmap( int id, const QPixmap &pix ){ setPixmap( page(id), pix ); }
* Sets a toolTip for the tab page (shown in the tab header).
* @param w the widget we want to give the tooltip
* @param toolTipStr the new tooltip string
void setToolTip( QWidget* w, const QString &toolTipStr );
* Sets the text colour of the tab page.
* Mainly it calls @ref KDockTabBar::setTextColor but calls it internally by the page id.
* @param w the widget we want to give a new text colour
* @param color the colour of the tab header
void setTabTextColor( QWidget*, const QColor &color );
/** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
* It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void setTabTextColor( int id, const QColor &color ){ setTabTextColor( page(id), color ); }
* Returns the text colour of the tab page.
* Mainly it calls @ref KDockTabBar::textColor but calls it internally by the page id.
* @param w the widget we want to ask for its text colour
const QColor& tabTextColor( QWidget* w);
/** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
* It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
const QColor& tabTextColor( int id ){ return tabTextColor( page(id) ); }
* Returns if the tab page is enabled (if it can get the focus).
* @param w the widget we want to ask if its page is enabled
bool isPageEnabled( QWidget* w);
/** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
* It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
bool isPageEnabled( int id ){ return isPageEnabled( page(id) ); }
* Enable or disable the tab page (whether it can get the focus or not).
* Mainly it calls @ref KDockTabBar::setPageEnabled but calls it internally by the page id.
* @param w the widget that should be enabled
* @param e boolean value whether enabled or disabled
void setPageEnabled( QWidget* w, bool e);
/** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
* It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void setPageEnabled( int id, bool enabled ){ setPageEnabled( page(id), enabled ); }
* Returns the widget that embedded in a page.
* @param id the identification number of the page
QWidget* page( int id);
* Returns the widget's Id.
* @param w the widget that should return its id
int id( QWidget* w);
* Returns the widget's index. (tab page position)
* @param w the widget that should return its index
int index( QWidget* w);
* Removes the tab page from the covered tab bar.
* Mainly it calls @ref KDockTabBar::removeTab but calls it internally by the page id.
* @param w the tab page that should be removed
void removePage( QWidget* w);
/** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
* It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void removePage( int id ){ removePage( page(id) ); }
* Returns the current (visible) tab page.
QWidget* visiblePage();
* Returns the id of the current (visible) tab page.
int visiblePageId(){ return id( visiblePage() ); }
* Sets the given tab page as the active (and visible) one.
void setVisiblePage( QWidget*, bool allowDisable = false );
* Sets the font for the tab pages.
* It just calls the appropriate method of its KDockTabBar.
void setTabFont( const QFont &font );
* Returns the font for the tab pages.
* It simply calls @ref KDockTabBar::tabFont .
QFont tabFont();
* Enables or disables the showing of the icons for every tab page.
* It simply calls @ref KDockTabBar::showTabIcon .
void showTabIcon( bool );
* Returns if the tab icon is shown.
* It simply calls @ref KDockTabBar::isShowTabIcon .
bool isShowTabIcon();
* Returns the number of inserted tab pages.
int pageCount(){ return mainData->count(); }
* Returns the first tab page in its KDockTabBar.
QWidget* getFirstPage();
* Returns the last tab page in its KDockTabBar.
QWidget* getLastPage();
* Returns the tab page that is at the right side of the given tab widget.
QWidget* getNextPage( QWidget* );
* Returns the tab page that is at the left side of the given tab widget.
QWidget* getPrevPage( QWidget* );
* Shows its encapsulated tab bar and shows the current tab page.
virtual void show();
* Catches some events that are of interest for this class.
virtual bool eventFilter( QObject*, QEvent* );
public slots:
* Enables or disables this and its KDockTabBar.
virtual void setEnabled( bool );
* Sets the visible page by its id.
void setVisiblePage(int id){ setVisiblePage( page(id) ); }
* Handles paint events for this widgets
* Reimplemented from QWidget
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
* Signals that the given widget is about to show.
void aboutToShow( QWidget* );
* Signals that that tab page is selected.
void pageSelected( QWidget* );
* Signals that the right mouse button is pressed on this.
void tabShowPopup( int, QPoint );
protected slots:
* Do some things that should be done when someone has pressed the right mouse button on this.
void rightButtonPress( int, QPoint );
* Returns the appropriate data for the widget from the parameter list.
KDockTabCtl_PrivateStruct* findData( QWidget* );
* Returns the appropriate data for the widget from the parameter list described by its id.
KDockTabCtl_PrivateStruct* findData( int id );
* Shows the tab page.
void showPage( QWidget*, bool allowDisable = false );
* a data structure that contains all embedded widgets.
QWidgetStack* stack;
* The layout manager for automatic positioning and resizing of the embedded tab pages.
QBoxLayout* layout;
* The layout manager for the widget stack.
QBoxLayout* stack_layout;
* An internal list for managing the tab pages. It stores data items for every tab page in the tab bar.
* An data item is of type KDockTabCtl_PrivateStruct (a struct) that contains the widget, its id and information
* about whether it is enabled or disabled.
QList *mainData;
* A pointer to the widget that is the current tab page in the covered tab bar.
QWidget* currentPage;
* The actual tab bar widget that is encapsulated by this control class.
* Often this manager puts only method calls through and does some additional management
* functions.
KDockTabBar* tabs;
* The current tab position.
KDockTabBar::TabPos tabPos;
bool m_autoSetCaption;
class KDockTabCtlPrivate;
KDockTabCtlPrivate *d;
Generated by: falk on pc9 on Fri Nov 30 14:44:26 2001, using kdoc 2.0a53. |