RDF::Core::Schema - The RDF Schema access
require RDF::Core::Schema;
my $schema = new RDF::Core::Schema();
This module provides the basic interface (OO) for RDF Schema manipulation.
- new(Storage=>$storage, Factory => $factory)
Construct the object. $storage is the RDF::Core::Storage object that contains schema data. $factory may specify the RDF::Core::Factory to be used.
- getClasses
Return all classes defined in the model.
- getSubClasses($class, $deep)
Get all subclasses of given $class. $class may be either URI string or
RDF::Core::Resource. If $deep is true, inheritance takes a deal.
- getAncestors($class, $deep)
Get all ancestors of a given $class. $class may be either URI string
or RDF::Core::Resource. If $deep is true, inheritance takes a deal.
- isSubClassOf($what, $whos)
Tells, whether $what is a subless of $whom. Both of parameters may be
either of RDF::Core::Resource or URI string.
- getSubProperties($property, $deep)
Get all subproperties of given $property. $property may be either URI
string or RDF::Core::Resource. If $deep is true, inheritance takes a deal.
- getAncestorProperties($property, $deep)
Get all ancestor properties of given $property. $property may be either URI string or RDF::Core::Resource. If $deep is true, inheritance takes a deal.
- isSubClassOf($waht, $whos)
Tells, whether $what is a subless of $whom. Both of parameters may be
either of RDF::Core::Resource or URI string.
- getPropertiesOf($class, $deep)
Get all properties of given $class. No inheritance rules are applied,
since they are not defined in RDF Schema. $class may be either URI
string or RDF::Core::Resource. If $deep is true, inheritance takes a deal.